Hon Liza Harvey MLA — New education campaign on penalty changes

25New television commercials will hit screens tonight informing West Australians about upcoming penalty changes and the dangers of using mobile phones while driving.

Road Safety Minister Liza Harvey said the purpose of the State-wide awareness campaign was to educate the community about legislation changes and modified penalties that come into effect from the Queen’s Birthday holiday period on September 26.

“People will start seeing messages about penalty changes on television, hearing about them on the radio, and reading about the amendments through press and online channels,” Mrs Harvey said.

“Using your mobile phone, running a red light and speeding are just some of the broad range of offences that will see an increase in fines and demerit points.”

The second part of the campaign will focus on the dangers of illegally using a mobile phone while driving.

“There are now no longer any excuses; it is simply unacceptable to touch your mobile phone while driving,” the Minister said.

The first phase of the seven-week campaign will continue through to early October, with heavy emphasis leading up to the commencement date of the changes. The campaign starts from 6pm this evening.

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