Hon Ken Baston MLC,Hon Terry Redman MLA — Northern beef industry to grow with investment

2A $15million State Government investment to ensure beef producers in the north of Western Australia can take better advantage of burgeoning markets in Asia and the Middle East was announced at the Fitzroy Crossing bull sale today by Agriculture and Food Minister Ken Baston.

Mr Baston said the Northern Beef Futures – funded by Royalties for Regions – would work throughout the entire beef supply chain to support the cattle industry to build capacity and enhance trade relations to capture emerging market opportunities, particularly in Asia.

“A key strategy will be to encourage market expansion and diversification, to strengthen the beef supply chain so it can withstand risks such as market interruptions,” he said.

“Northern Beef Futures will invest from the ‘ground up’ in the development of the supply chain to assist the industry to meet the specifications and requirements of potential customers in key Chinese and South East Asian markets. This will include improving cattle breeding techniques and genetics, and changes to herd management practices.

“This is an exciting time for agriculture and food in Western Australia and this investment from the State Government will support the cattle industry to capitalise on new market opportunities and grow.”

The project, part of the Government’s Seizing the Opportunity initiative, will also review the infrastructure required in the north to support the beef industry in its endeavours, as well as stimulate changes in cattle management practices, innovation and capacity development.

The project has already secured support from the WA Beef Council and the northern cattle industry and is expected to leverage additional funds as it proceeds.

Regional Development Minister Terry Redman said greater export success would improve the bottom line for cattle producers and those along the food supply chain, and help cement the future for WA’s regional communities.

“Northern Beef Futures will establish the diversity of supply chains needed for the industry to grow,” Mr Redman said.

“It will also provide the Kimberley and Pilbara beef industries with co-ordinated supply chains and enhanced production methods needed to supply new and growing markets. Industry involvement, visibility, support and leadership will be the key to the success of the Northern Beef Futures project and industry.”

Trade development will be a key component of Northern Beef Futures, with specialist support from the Western Australian trade offices in Shanghai and Hangzhou in China.

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