New program for local sporting clubs to build their own facilities

20 Local Facilities for Local Clubs Program enables clubs to improve their
 $1 million for clubs to directly partner with Victorian Government through their own fundraising and in-kind contributions
 Napthine Government building a more active Victoria by investing in
community sport

Member for Forest Hill, Neil Angus MP today welcomed Minister for Sport and Recreation, Damian Drum’s announcement of the $1 million Local Facilities for Local Clubs Program.

The program rewards innovative community clubs and organisations with dollar-for-dollar funding of up to $50,000 for small sport and recreation facility projects.

“This program is a game-changer for local sporting clubs, acknowledging the hard work of volunteer administrators by providing financial support for small facility projects that make abig difference to local people,” Mr Drum said.

“The program recognises and rewards those sport and recreation clubs which may be able to source materials or have qualified tradespeople such as electricians or plumbers provide in-kind support to projects, so that clubs can get important upgrades to their facilities.

“We want to unlock the capacity of local clubs themselves to deliver sporting infrastructure, in particular the capacity of local sports communities to provide in-kind labour and materials  towards a project,” Mr Drum said.

Mr Drum encouraged community clubs and communities looking to redevelop or upgrade their local facilities to contact their local council to discuss their potential project. Local Councils can apply for up to $50,000 towards two projects. Each project can have a total project cost up to $150,000. Applications close on Monday 15 September 2014.

Funding is available for upgrades to new or existing sport and active recreation infrastructure which increases or maintains sport and recreation participation. Local Member Neil Angus, encouraged local clubs to apply for funding.

“We’re proud to invest in a program that promotes the importance of inclusive partnerships between clubs, local and state government, whilst generating local jobs in local communities,” Mr Angus said.

“The Napthine Government understands community sport and the importance of delivering local programs that make a real difference to the local community,” Mr Angus said.

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