Pru Goward med rel: Women’s economic opportunity to be driven by fresh new board

1Minister for Women Pru Goward today announced an impressive line-up of appointments to the NSW Council of Women’s Economic Opportunity.

Ms Goward said she established the Council in 2012 to provide fresh thinking and advice to progress women’s empowerment, including access to secure, paid work.

“These high calibre new members represent industries as diverse as the NSW women they seek to advance, and will continue the excellent work of the Council,” Ms Goward said.

“I am excited by the skills and experiences they will bring to address the challenges faced by women entering non-traditional areas of employment.

“This is an experience personally reflected in many of their successful careers; from the Defence Force to finance and construction.

“In its first term the Council worked closely with employers, industry organisations and training providers to develop the Women in Trades Industry Pledge, signed by twenty major employers including Lend Lease, Brookfield Multiplex and Thiess.

“And just last month I was at the Orange Central West Jobs Expo, where I was pleased to meet enthusiastic and incredibly skilled young women working hard in non-traditional trades, from carpentry to car-wrapping.”

The Orange Business Chamber received a grant to fund various initiatives to promote women into non-traditional trades as part of the Investing in Women program.

“In its second term the Council will continue to provide strategies to help women access the training and skills they need to enter the workforce in a vocation of their choice,” Ms Goward said.

“These new members, with their strong leadership, proven experience and networks will continue this great work, and help ensure gender equality is imperative for business across NSW.”

The Council is made up of the Chair (Minister Goward), 12 industry members and four ex-officio members.

Media: Emma Mellow 0407 748 965

New Members of the NSW Council of Women’s Economic Opportunity

Ms Catherine Fitzpatrick
· For the past 12 months she has sat on the Council as the Deputy Chair, and led the development of the Women in Trades Industry Pledge and Women in Trades Construction Roundtable. She is the General Manager, Government Industry and International Affairs at the Commonwealth Bank of Australia.

Ms Danielle Lehrer
· A strong entrepreneur with a marketing and communications background. She founded “the world’s first not-for-profit broker” Forex Nation.

Dr June Heinrich
· Chief Executive Officer at Macquarie Community College, with a wealth of knowledge and experience in the aged care sector.

Mr Brian Seidler
· Executive Director of the Master Builders Association of NSW, which provides support to tradeswomen through the establishment of a network for women in construction and a mentoring program for female apprentices.

Ms Louise McCoach
· Formerly a Partner at Clayton Utz and has a background in banking and finance law.

Dr Lyn Craig
· Reappointed for a second two-year term. A Professor/Australian Research Council and Queen Elizabeth II Fellow at the Social Policy Research Centre at University of New South Wales.

Ms Sandra Triulzi
· Demonstrated management and leadership throughout her career in equity and diversity management across the construction, aviation and engineering industries.

Ms Tracey Friend
· Until recently was the General Manager at Wedgetail Aircraft Operations in the Air Force, serving 28 years and demonstrating strong leadership and management skills within a heavily male-dominated sector.

Ms Yvette Pietsch
· Managing Principal of Crowe Horwath Central West. Was appointed Partner at Pitcher Partners at the age of 30, one of the youngest people in her field to do so.

New appointees join three existing members, Ms Fiona Shewring, Ms Sue-Anne Brady and Mr Peter Blanchard.

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