Hon Albert Jacob BEnvDes M.Arch JP MLA — Inaugural DG for Environment Regulation

2Environment Minister Albert Jacob has announced the appointment of Jason Banks to the inaugural position of Director General of the Department of Environment Regulation.

Mr Jacob today congratulated Mr Banks on his appointment.

“Mr Banks has been Acting Director General of the Department of Environment Regulation since it was created in July 2013,” he said.

“He has successfully led the formation of the department, overseeing more than 300 staff and driving a range of reforms.

“Mr Banks has implemented changes that reduce red tape for industry, farmers and land managers. He has overseen improvements to controlled waste regulations and adjustments to native vegetation clearing rules to streamline processes, and is well placed to guide continued improvements.”

He has extensive management experience and has worked more than two decades at a range of State Government agencies.

“Mr Banks was the chief executive officer and coordinator of Energy at the Office of Energy and in this role he was instrumental in co-ordinating the State Government’s response to the June 2008 explosion at the Varanus Island gas processing plant,” the Minister said.

“He has also worked as a senior adviser with the Department of State Development and as a management consultant with the Public Sector Commission. He began his career with the
WA Police where he served as an officer and later a detective.

“I’m pleased Mr Banks has accepted the role of Director General. He will provide strong leadership and set the future direction of the department as it continues work to streamline regulations, improve communication with industry and land owners and implement strategies to ensure the State’s enviable environmental standards are maintained and enhanced.”

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