John Ajaka med rel: New policy announced to tackle elder abuse

0Minister for Ageing John Ajaka today announced new measures to reduce elder abuse in the community by providing better coordination between government agencies.

The new guide is called Preventing and responding to abuse of older people: NSW Interagency Policy.

“This guide provides greater direction to government and non-government agencies, and community organisations working or living with older people,” Mr Ajaka said.

“Abuse of older people is a serious issue, and one which won’t be tolerated. Unfortunately, in most places it happens behind closed doors and the people living with the victims often do not know what to do or who to call to report the incident.

“This new policy will ensure those working with older people are alerted to the risk of abuse, and are appropriately trained to respond in a timely manner, acting in the best interests of the person being abused.

“The most common type of abuse against older people is financial abuse and sons and daughters aged 45-64 are often identified as those who are primarily responsible.

“The NSW Government’s vision is for a healthy, vibrant and active ageing population and it has made tackling elder abuse a priority.

“I want older people and their carers to be supported, and to live safely with dignity in the community.

“This interagency report is a step in the right direction – it means we are all on the same page of what to look out for when identifying elder abuse.

“I encourage anyone who has experienced or witnessed elder abuse to come forward and seek advice from the NSW Elder Abuse Helpline by calling 1800 628 221 toll free.”

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