Hon Liza Harvey MLA,Hon Terry Redman MLA — Port Hedland ready to rock at festival

7The North West Festival will rock Port Hedland this weekend with some of Australia’s best music artists, including Missy Higgins, Art vs Science and the Pigram Brothers.

Tourism Minister Liza Harvey said this year’s festival had increased to three days, which would help attract even more attendees, add greater vibrancy to the Pilbara region and benefit local businesses.

The festival is supported by the State Government through Tourism WA’s Regional Events Program, which is funded by Royalties for Regions.

“The 2014 festival will feature a fantastic line-up of about 15 popular artists and bands,”
she said.

“Over the past three years, the North West Festival has grown from strength to strength, attracting even more people and artists to the region.

“I hope all festival visitors take an opportunity to further explore the Pilbara region, which boasts spectacular gorges, magnificent rock formations, stunning beaches and Aboriginal culture.”

Mrs Harvey said the State Government had a strategy to increase the value of tourism to $12billion by 2020, with regional events playing a key role in achieving that goal.

Regional Development Minister Terry Redman said Royalties for Regions funding had significantly increased the number and quality of events held across the State, adding many social and economic benefits to regional communities.

“Regional events such as the North West Festival also help to make regional towns more exciting places to visit and great places to live. Tourism is vital to regional communities – in 2013, the total visitor spend in the State was $7.7billion, $3billion of which was spent in regional Western Australia,” Mr Redman said.

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