Stuart Ayres med rel: Minister congratulates NSW Police on drugs and guns bust

2Minister for Police and Emergency Services Stuart Ayres has congratulated detectives from the NSW Police Force State Crime Command’s Drug Squad after they seized a substantial quantity of illegal drugs and firearms during raids across Sydney’s north-west this morning.

“This is fantastic work, yet again by police,” Mr Ayres said.

“More than 500 kilograms of restricted and illicit substances have been confiscated, along with three high-powered, military-grade firearms.

“With more police officers in NSW than ever before, it reaffirms this Government’s commitment to taking drugs and guns off the street,” Mr Ayres continued.

Earlier this year, Drug Squad detectives formed Strike Force Gurton to investigate a syndicate allegedly involved in the large-scale manufacture and supply of prohibited drugs.

“This seizure highlights the vital work police do in our community and on behalf of the people of NSW, we congratulate them on another outstanding effort,” Mr Ayres concluded.

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