Davis – Graphic campaign on obesity dangers launched

0· Confronting campaign that highlights the dangers of being overweight
· A key plank of Healthy Together Victoria, now with over 500,000
· Napthine Government building a healthier Victoria

A new hard-hitting public education campaign based on a confronting depiction of the damage caused by overweight and obesity was launched today by the Minister for Health, David Davis.

“Graphic campaigns like this have had profound impacts on smoking rates, on road safety and on our efforts to reduce the toll of skin cancer,” Mr Davis said.

“The LiveLighter campaign offers a powerful visual representation of what’s happening inside the body of those who are overweight or obese and reminds us all of how dangerous overweight and obesity is.

“Overweight and obesity has become normal in our community, with about two thirds of Victorian adults falling into that category. Preventable chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and some cancers are also cutting short tens of thousands of lives each year.

“In addition to the confronting images, the campaign will highlight the little things we can all do differently as part of our everyday lives that will have real and measurable positive effects.”

The Napthine Government is also building a healthier Victoria through Healthy Together Victoria, which addresses the causes of preventable chronic disease. Working with local governments as well as community and statewide partners, Healthy Together Victoria is creating healthier environments where Victorians live, learn work and play.

“This initiative is operating across Victoria for all Victorians, as well as providing a concentrated effort within 12 Healthy Together Communities,” Mr Davis said.

More than 500,000 Victorians are now benefiting from early childhood services, schools and workplaces that have pledged to create healthier environments.

Mr Davis said 45 per cent of early childhood services and about one in five eligible secondary schools were participating. More than 5,300 Victorians have commenced healthy cooking training at Jamie’s Ministry of Food Kitchen. The Healthy Together Victoria initiative has now been adopted by the New Zealand Government.

LiveLighter, funded by the Victorian Government, is being delivered by Cancer Council Victoria and the Heart Foundation.

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