Wells – Victoria’s first class camera system

1Road Safety Camera Commissioner finds Victoria’s camera system first class Motorists understand the value of road safety cameras Napthine Government building a safer Victoria

Victoria’s road safety camera network has been deemed ‘first class’ by the Road Safety Camera Commissioner.

The Minister for Police and Emergency Services Kim Wells today welcomed the release of the Road Safety Camera Commissioner’s Annual Report, from His Honour Gordon Lewis AM, saying the findings from the independent watchdog are a testament to the Napthine Government’s commitment to cutting the road toll.

“This report confirms something we have worked hard to achieve, a road safety camera system that is first class and saving lives every day,” Mr Wells said.

Mr Wells said 157 fixed digital road safety camera sites throughout Victoria were monitored throughout the year by the Commissioner, and there was no evidence of a malfunctioning or inaccurate road safety camera.

“The Commissioner also found that the majority of motorists understand why road safety cameras are vital.

“People understand that road safety is paramount, speed limits are there to keep people alive, and we need sanctions to enforce those speed limits,” Mr Wells said.

Mr Wells said the ability of cameras to catch all speeding road users is paramount and will be addressed by the latest road safety technology which will replace Victoria Police’s mobile camera program.

“A new tender was released at the end of July that flowed from the Napthine Government’s funding of $17.1 million to upgrade road safety technology. We have now gone to market to source advances in road safety equipment,” Mr Wells said.

“Technology in this area is advancing rapidly and we will explore all options to make Victoria’s road safety camera network as strong as it can be. We are looking at everything the market has to offer, including the potential to capture front and rear licence plates and speeding vehicles across multiple lanes.”

He also applauded Mr Lewis’ work since being appointed to his role by the Napthine Government.

“Mr Lewis has carried out his responsibilities with vigour in a completely impartial manner,” Mr Wells said.

“It is a credit to those within the Department of Justice responsible for building and maintaining road safety cameras that Mr Lewis has high praise for their efforts.

“Road safety cameras are an integral part of our road safety strategy and have played a significant part in driving down the road toll to record lows.”

Mr Wells said the Government will consider the Commissioner’s recommendations.

Victoria has a comprehensive road safety camera network including fixed, mobile and point-to-point cameras for detecting speed. The system can also capture unregistered drivers and those who run red lights.

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