Dominic Perrottet med rel: State looks to sell prme land in Glebe

21The NSW Government is calling for interested parties looking to purchase a significant land holding in the heart of Glebe.

Minister for Finance and Services Dominic Perrottet is hoping that the sale of the former juvenile detention centre in the heart of Glebe will deliver dividends for NSW taxpayers as the NSW Government continues its commitment to ensuring that government owned property assets are put to the best possible use.

“The substantial 5,556 square metre property located at 357 Glebe Point Road, which has three street frontages and views over Blackwattle Bay and the city skyline, is expected to generate significant interest as a residential redevelopment site,” Mr Perrottet said.

“Whilst it is occupied by staff from Family and Community Services and the Department of Justice, the site is significantly underutilised in its current state.

“One of the reasons for this is that it was built for a completely different purpose than its current use and it has become unsustainable.

“The sale of Bidura is in line with the NSW Government’s commitment to unlock capital and reinvest the funds raised into strengthening government services.

“We want to ensure that all our capital assets work as hard as possible for the NSW taxpayer and where they aren’t, that other suitable options are found.”

The sale of Bidura will be by public tender and will be sold with a leaseback agreement to the government for a period of two years to accommodate construction of the new court house and relocation of staff.

“We will continue to investigate all possible options that maximise the delivery of improved services and infrastructure to the people of NSW,” Mr Perrottet said.

The sale of the site is being managed by Government Property NSW, a division of the Office of Finance and Services.

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