Mike Baird statement: National Day of Mourning for the victims of MH17

1NSW Premier Mike Baird said his thoughts are with the families of victims of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 during this National Day of Mourning, after he attended the National Memorial Service at St Patrick’s Cathedral in Melbourne today.

“We have been shocked and saddened by this tragic event and the stories of the victims, which have unfolded over the past few weeks,” said Mr Baird.

“Today was a chance to express our deep sorrow and pay tribute to the victims, in what was an incredibly moving ceremony.

“It also provided an opportunity to show our united support for the family and friends affected by this terrible tragedy.

“In particular, today we remember the six NSW residents who were on board the plane and on behalf of all people in NSW I again offer my prayers and condolences to the family and friends of each of them.

“Our hearts go out to them and we will continue to work with the Commonwealth Government to support them through the difficult times ahead.

“As part of the National Day of Mourning, flags at NSW Government institutions are flying at half-mast, as they are across the country.”

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