Hon Ken Baston MLC — Agreement signals strong future for meat to China

13Agriculture and Food Minister Ken Baston today witnessed the signing of a historic agreement between a Western Australian meat processor and a Chinese company which will deliver long-term benefits to the State’s sheep and cattle industries.

China’s largest red meat importer Grand Farm and South-West processor V&V Walsh today signed a Cooperation Agreement at the V&V Walsh premises in Vasse.

The agreement marks a significant step forward in developing a red meat alliance to establish a consistent and long-term supply chain for sheep meat and beef into China from Western Australia.

“This joint venture is an exciting development which now presents an opportunity for the significant transformation of both the WA and Inner Mongolian cattle and sheep meat industries,” Mr Baston said.

“The State Government, through the Department of Agriculture and Food, is well placed to support development of the project and to supply technical expertise at both ends of the supply chain.”

The Minister said the venture was testament to the vision and leadership provided by Mr Chen Xibin, president of Grand Farm, and Peter and Greg Walsh, owners of V&V Walsh. China has a massive and growing consumer market for lamb and beef, which is increasingly demanding innovative, safe and quality red meat products.

“Built upon our outstanding biosecurity status and world-class management systems, WA enjoys an enviable international reputation for producing safe, quality lamb and beef products,” he said.

“We are continually looking for ways to strengthen our existing supply chains and develop new ones to better meet growing consumer demands.”

V&V Walsh has made substantial investments to increase the capacity of its abattoir in Bunbury and is in the final stages of gaining approval to export to China.

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