Katrina Hodgkinson med rel: Rural women encouraged to enter top award

4NSW Minister for Primary Industries, Katrina Hodgkinson, has encouraged rural women to enter the prestigious 2015 Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation (RIRDC) NSW-ACT Rural Women’s Award.

Ms Hodgkinson said the 2015 awards are now open to women in NSW and the ACT involved in primary industries and natural resource management who have a desire, commitment and leadership potential to make an even greater contribution.

“The award is an amazing opportunity for rural women who have a vision or idea they want to progress because it provides financial assistance, mentoring, resources and support through an extensive network of business and community leaders,” Ms Hodgkinson said.

“I encourage anyone with a commitment to making a difference to their industry and the community to enter the RIRDC Rural Women’s Award, which is now one of Australia’s top awards for rural women.

“The RIRDC Rural Women’s Award is now in its 15th year and during this time we have discovered more than 200 extremely focused women who are driving innovation and building resilience within primary industries and their rural communities.”

Ms Hodgkinson said four finalists will be selected in NSW-ACT with the winner to receive a $10,000 bursary and participation in the RIRDC Australian Institute of Company Directors’ course. The three finalists will receive $1000 to further develop their vision or build their leadership and business management skills.

“Last year’s winner, Pip Job, from Cumnock in Central West NSW, is a leader in natural resource management and has encouraged thousands of individuals to embrace sustainable primary production,” Ms Hodgkinson said.

“Last year’s runner-up Edwina Beveridge is continuing to lead a team of 30 people on her piggery in Young in south-western NSW and has shown fearless industry leadership, particularly in areas of animal welfare and sustainability.”

The Rural Women’s Award is coordinated by the NSW Rural Women’s Network through the Department of Primary Industries and is sponsored by NSW Farmers, Office of Environment & Heritage and the Country Women’s Association of NSW.

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