Minister Goward at Kellyville_3215Minister for Planning Pru Goward was today joined by the Members for Hawkesbury, Baulkham Hills, Riverstone and Londonderry to announce over $25 million in infrastructure funding for local councils in these areas.

Blacktown City Mayor Len Robinson and Hills Shire Mayor Dr Michelle Byrne were on hand to formally accept the new funding.

“Recent figures show an estimated 1.6 million additional people are anticipated to make Sydney home over the years to 2031, with almost 1 million of those expected in Western Sydney,” Ms Goward said.

“Sydney will likely need another 664,000 new homes by 2031, and councils play a crucial role in meeting this need at a local level.”

Member for Hawkesbury Ray Williams said sustainable growth in Western Sydney required this kind of continued support – particularly given the region’s rapid growth.

“Under this Government, these councils have received almost $70 million for infrastructure supporting new housing developments, which has included over $38 million for The Hills,” Mr Williams said.

Member for Baulkham Hills David Elliott said the NSW Government played a key role in supporting councils with residential growth centres inside their local government area (LGA).

“Developers contribute to the local infrastructure in the community where they are building as is appropriate, however by providing a ‘top-up’ the Local Infrastructure Growth Scheme helps keep housing affordable and enables councils to fund their infrastructure plans,” Mr Elliott said.

The NSW Government allocated a further $60 million in the 2014-15 Budget for the Local Infrastructure Growth Scheme to continue supporting new housing development.

Member for Riverstone Kevin Conolly said the funding was good news for North West communities.

“The Baird Government is working to ensure local communities and local councils are able to meet the challenges brought about by growth,” Mr Conolly said.

Member for Londonderry Bart Bassett said this is yet another example of the Liberal and Nationals Government planning for NSW families’ futures by investing in infrastructure.

“This important funding enables councils to deliver the essential infrastructure that goes hand in hand with a growing Sydney,” Mr Bassett said.

Mayor Len Robinson said areas in the Blacktown LGA had already been identified by council to receive the funding.

“Areas including Alex Avenue, Riverstone and Marsden Park industrial release areas will benefit from the new funding to Blacktown City Council,” Mr Robinson said.

Hills Shire Mayor Dr Michelle Byrne said councils would use the funds to deliver quality roads, stormwater facilities and parks in housing growth areas.

“The Hills Shire Council is investing in a number of new release areas, such as North Kellyville and the Balmoral Road Release Area,” Dr Byrne said.

To be eligible for funding, a council must have a development contributions plan reviewed and approved by the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART).

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