Hon Helen Morton MLC — Synthetic drugs illegal in WA

9Mental Health Minister Helen Morton today reinforced the message that synthetic cannabinoids are illegal in Western Australia.

Speaking at the Western Australian Alcohol and other Drugs Symposium, the Minister said that provisions in the WA Poisons Act meant that it was against the law to supply, sell, manufacture or possess these substances in the State.

“Let us be clear. All synthetic cannabinoids, along with a number of other synthetic substances, are already prohibited in Western Australia,” Mrs Morton said.

“There are stiff penalties for possession and supply of synthetic drugs under the Misuse of Drug laws, just as there are for cannabis, methamphetamines and ecstasy.

“These include up to $2,000, or two years, for simple possession, and up to $100,000 and/or 25 years for the sale, supply or possession with intent to supply these substances. Penalties for selling, supplying or offering these drugs to a child are even greater.”

To further assist with the policing of these prohibitions, the State Government lists specific synthetic substances as they come to the attention of health and police.

“The State Government will shortly be adding 33 more substances to the list of banned substances, making it absolutely clear to the public that they are illegal, and further assisting with the enforcement of the law,” the Minister said.

WA continues to be one of the most proactive jurisdictions when it comes to addressing this issue, however consideration is being given to what new laws and other initiatives might be added to strengthen the Government’s response.

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