The hunt is on for WA’s water champions

Water Minister Mia Davies today launched the search for the State’s most creative, innovative and inspirational water users by calling for nominations in the Australian Water Association’s (AWA) annual WA Water Awards.

 The annual awards are the State’s premier water industry showcase, recognising the work of individuals and groups which demonstrate leadership in managing and protecting Western Australia’s water resources.
“We have a drying climate, a growing population and ever-increasing demand for water,” Ms Davies said.
“Meeting those challenges within our available water resources requires innovation and water efficiency.
“These awards are an opportunity for organisations and individuals to highlight their efforts to improve water products and services and find innovative and effective solutions to water-related issues.”
Past winners have included a school promoting sustainable water use as part of its teaching programs and a property developer which used a range of water-saving initiatives in establishing new subdivisions.
“There is a high calibre of work that is under way to make the best and most sustainable use of our natural water resources and I look forward to seeing the range of initiatives in the 2014 awards,” the Minister said.

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