Call out for top teachers and schools

The search is on to find Western Australia’s best teachers and top public schools.

Education Minister Peter Collier today announced that nominations for the WA Education Awards 2014 were now open.

“The awards are an important way to recognise public school teachers, leaders and support staff who inspire students to learn and achieve their best,” Mr Collier said. “WA has many outstanding educators who deserve to be recognised and the WA Education Awards can do this.”

Nomination kits are online at There are four new categories this year to recognise excellence in Aboriginal education, as well as outstanding education assistants and school support staff.

The winners in 11 categories will share $337,500 in prizes. The categories are:
WA Premier’s Primary Teacher of the Year
WA Premier’s Secondary Teacher of the Year
WA Premier’s Excellence in Aboriginal Education Award (new category)
WA Primary School Leader of the Year
WA Secondary School Leader of the Year
WA Beginning Teacher of the Year
WA Education Assistant of the Year (new category)
WA Aboriginal and Islander Education Officer of the Year (new category)
WA School Services Staff Member of the Year (new category)
WA Primary School of the Year
WA Secondary School of the Year.
The Minister said the awards gave winners the opportunity for further professional learning and to share their expertise with students and colleagues. Individual winners each receive a $25,000 prize and winning schools each receive a $15,000 prize. A portion of the prize money is to be spent on professional learning. Finalists each receive a $2,500 prize.

Children, parents and community members can also get involved by downloading a merit certificate from the awards website, filling it out and handing it to their schools.

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