Victor Dominello & Vic Alhadeff med rel: Condemnation of racial attack on Ukrainian Catholic Church in Lidcombe

13The attack on the Ukrainian Catholic Church was jointly condemned today by Minister for Communities and Citizenship Victor Dominello and NSW Community Relations Commission Chair Vic Alhadeff.

Last night the St Andrew’s Ukrainian Catholic Church in Lidcombe was desecrated with vandalism containing racist messages and symbols.

Mr Dominello said today the vandalism was a vicious attack on the Ukrainian Catholic Church and was clearly intended to intimidate members of the Ukrainian-Australian community.

“A racial attack of this kind has no place in our multicultural society in NSW,” Mr Dominello said today.

“Any act of this kind is completely unacceptable. To use an international racial dispute to vilify a community in Sydney is abhorrent. The use of swastikas as a means of denigrating and attacking any community in NSW is utterly offensive.

“Attacks like this reinforce the need for proper protections from hate speech and racial vilification.

“I understand police will be investigating the matter and I urge people who have information regarding last night’s attack to come forward and speak to NSW Police.”

Echoing the Minister’s remarks, Mr Alhadeff expressed, “utter condemnation of the vandalism and profound concern at what has occurred. It is deeply disappointing that some have seen fit to import overseas conflicts and hatreds into our country and onto our streets.”

“Damaging property and issuing threats are a criminal offence, and hopefully the perpetrators will be caught and prosecuted.

“This is more than just an act of vandalism, it is an attack clearly designed to intimidate and vilify the Ukrainian-Australian community. This incident again reminds us why we need to have strong laws to protect people and communities in NSW from racial vilification,” Mr Alhadeff said.

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