Kevin Humphries med rel: Securing the future of Western NSW

2The NSW Liberals & Nationals Government has continued its commitment to the future growth and prosperity of communities throughout Western NSW by providing significant investment in infrastructure and services across the region in the 2014-15 Budget.

Minister for Western NSW Kevin Humphries said the significant amount of funding for Western NSW is recognition of the importance of the region’s contribution to the state’s economy.

“Since coming into government the NSW Liberals & Nationals have continued to secure the future of our Western communities through substantial investment in areas such as education, roads, health and transport,” Mr Humphries said.

“Through this Budget the NSW Liberals and Nationals are continuing to provide the funding that will ensure the future growth and prosperity of our Western communities.”

Mr Humphries said the 2014-15 Budget contains significant funding to improve Western NSW’s transport, roads and freight network, including:

· $488 million for roads in Western NSW, including $332 million for maintenance and $154 million for road upgrades;

· A share in the $117 million allocated for rail maintenance to improve safety and reliability on the rail network, including replacing sleepers and renewing bridges;

· $7 million in community transport funding to help people who cannot use regular public transport access shopping, medical and social activities.

Roads will also see a massive boost in the immediate future from new reservations from the state’s dedicated infrastructure fund, Restart NSW, including:

· A share in the $200 million Regional Freight Pinch Point and Safety Program for proposed improvement works on key western roads; and,

· $50 million for a Western NSW Freight Productivity Program, including fast-tracking sealing work on the Cobb and Silver City highways.

Health and mental health is again a high priority for the NSW Liberals & Nationals Government, with substantial investment going into improving access and services across the region, including:

· $85 million to continue works on the $210.8 million Stage 2 Tamworth Hospital redevelopment;

· $77 million to continue works on the $282.1 million Wagga Wagga Base Hospital redevelopment;

· $44.6 million to continue works on the $91.3 million Stage 1 and 2 Dubbo Hospital redevelopment;

· $43.7 million to continue works on the Parkes and Forbes hospitals redevelopment project;

· $9.5 million to continue works on the $12.4 million Hillston MultiPurpose Service project

· $8.2 million to continue works on the $12 million Peak Hill MultiPurpose Service project; and,

· $4.6 million for the expansion of mental health services at Wagga Wagga Hospital.

“With more than $1.2 billion in recurrent funding allocated for Government schools throughout Western NSW, education is a big winner in the 2014-15 Budget,” Mr Humphries said.

“The NSW Government will continue its reform of disability services, with an estimated $310 million in recurrent funding to provide improved services for people with disability, their families and carers and older people.

“We are making our communities safer, with a share in the $153 million in recurrent funding over four years to employ additional police, as part of the Government’s commitment to increase the authorised strength of the NSW Police Force by a further 309 officers to 16,665 in August 2015.

“The Budget also contains vital funding for regional infrastructure and will deliver important services and programs for Western communities through the Primary Industries and Natural Resources, Lands and Water portfolios, including:

· An additional $325 million reserved for Water Security for Regions to fund infrastructure works that secure water supplies and drought-proof regional communities;

· A share of $61 million for Local Land Services;

· $17 million to implement water reform initiatives in the Murray-Darling Basin; and,

· $13.2 million as part of an upgrade to Chaffey Dam.

“The massive funding for Western NSW in this Budget recognises the importance of this vital region to NSW and highlights the Government’s commitment to supporting the communities and industries that play such an important role in driving the state’s economy,” Mr Humphries said.

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