1Minister for Women Pru Goward said today’s NSW Budget signals the government’s strong commitment to prevent domestic and family violence and support victims, with the announcement of historic investment across the child protection, social housing and homelessness sectors. Domestic violence is often connected to issues within these sectors.

“Today’s Budget marks another milestone in the path to prevent domestic and family violence,” Ms Goward said.

“Latest available statistics show there were 30,662 incidents of domestic-violence in a 12 month period related assault recorded by NSW Police. To respond to this, we are going to deliver what no Labor government has – a co-ordinated framework which places the victim at the heart of the system.”

More than $2.7 billion of funding will be invested across child protection, social housing, and homelessness in 2014/15 so victims of domestic and family violence, as well as those at risk, will be able to access a range of services and support tailored to their needs.

In addition, over $148 million for specialist homelessness services delivered by NGOs will be invested under Going Home Staying Home, giving women escaping domestic violence access to specialist assistance and service provision. Over one third of the new service packages include a focus on women, and women’s refuges remain an important part of crisis response.

The Staying Home Leaving Violence program also continues this year, with $4.6 million directed to supporting women and children escaping domestic violence to remain safely in their homes.

“This funding complements It Stops Here – standing together to end domestic and family violence, the whole of government effort launched February 2014, backed by $9.8 million in funding over three years.”

“Victims of family and domestic violence face enough trauma without having to re-tell their shocking experiences to a multitude of government agencies when they seek help. That is why in today’s Budget we are focusing on delivering services tailored to people’s needs. We are putting people at the centre of everything we do.”

“Under It Stops Here, the government has committed to providing better co-operation between agencies and non-government organisations, and a centralised database to ensure the delivery of services and support victims need,” said Ms Goward.

This new approach to respond to victims of domestic and family violence, supported by today’s Budget, is one part of the framework which is being rolled out this year in two launch sites, Orange and Waverley. It Stops Here also includes a review of the criminal justice system response, improved victim support services and capacity of the workforce.

Further to this, the Safe Home for Life reforms sees $500 million over four years directed towards improving the effectiveness of the child protection system for the most vulnerable children in NSW.

These reforms will focus effort on delivering targeted services and supports to the most vulnerable children, young people and families, including those impacted by domestic and family violence. This includes funding non-government services to help give parents the tools they need to provide a safe environment and, where possible, have their children safely restored.

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