VARUN TIWARI 3Since his arrival in Sydney in 2005, Varun has been pursuing his creative passion with an unfailing and unwavering dedication. He has striven to rise against all odds and has completed more than 3,000 shows as a Bollywood Dancer, a feat that is now impossible to achieve. Along the way, he has been a source of inspiration to countless actors and performers who have learned from him and performed alongside.

Varun has not only shown that a creative pursuit can be developed into a vocation, but also led the way in always being there for every worthy cause. He can be seen performing at various community events, he entertains senior citizens with his performance, and also brings a smile to special children by performing for them.

Over the past few years, Varun has ventured into video and photography, and here too, his creative acumen and focus has led him to set up an enviable reputation among the community. His team ‘Friends Audio Video’ can be seen filming at most major events and is a regular feature and several family occasions within the community members from the sub continent.

Not the one to sit on his laurels, he has also ventured into film making, and produced an indie film ‘The Jury’ which was screened in Sydney and took him into the legends of NSW Parliament.

He has not only achieved his own dreams, but has helped several of his colleagues and friends to discover and celebrate their dreams.

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