Mulder – $7.4 million to fund missing link in Carrum-Warburton Trail

7· 10.3 km path to connect the missing link in the Carrum-Warburton Cycle Link
· Shared-path will improve road safety, enhance tourism and promote health
· Victorian Coalition Government delivering on election commitment

Minister for Roads Terry Mulder today announced $7.4 million to fund the missing link in the Carrum-Warburton Cycle Link between Bayswater North and Lilydale.

“Once complete, the Carrum-Warburton Trail will be a key link in connecting the bay to country Victoria, extending approximately 90 kilometres.

“The 10.3 kilometre path will join the existing Tarralla Creek Bike Path at the western end with the Lilydale-Warburton Trail near Lilydale Station at the eastern end,” Mr Mulder said.

“Not only will the construction of this new shared-path provide a safer way for cyclists to travel, it will give locals and visitors the chance to access many of the wonderful sights this region has to offer.

“This announcement honours a commitment made by the Coalition in the lead-up to the 2010 election.”

Mr Mulder said the three metre wide path will also include pedestrian operated signal crossings as well as a number of local road treatments.

“The new trail will provide improved road safety, opportunities to enhance tourism in Victoria, and alternatives for commuters using public transport,” Mr Mulder said.

“The missing link currently forces cyclists and pedestrians to use the existing road network, so this will be a safer and more family-friendly option.”

Mr Mulder said the Lilydale-Warburton Trail is already one of the priority tourism trails in Victoria.

“The new 10 kilometre path will open up a number of activity areas within the missing link including the Ringwood, Bayswater, Chirnside Park and Lilydale Activity Centres as well as the popular Lilydale Lake area.”

Mr Mulder said the benefits of the new shared-path were consistent with the objectives of the recently released Plan Melbourne document, which focuses on the creation of 20-minute neighbourhoods and a more connected Melbourne.

“Overall, this will contribute to a more cohesive, inclusive and healthy community, with less traffic congestion and vehicle emissions,” Mr Mulder said.

Member for Kilsyth David Hodgett said filling in the missing link will encourage more people to cycle.

“This will mean more locals getting out and about, pursuing a healthier lifestyle,” Mr Hodgett said.

Member for Evelyn Christine Fyffe said the extension of the new trail to the Lilydale Railway Station will provide significant benefits.

“This will benefit locals by providing access to the Lilydale Lake and township, including its associated picnic, café and retail facilities,” Ms Fyffe said.

Liberal Candidate for Monbulk Mark Verschuur said this will provide safer travel options for cyclists.

“A safer travel environment for cyclists and pedestrians will result in a reduction of crashes,” Mr Verschuur said.

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