Mike Baird/Pru Goward/Andrew Constance med rel: Super Saturday: more homes for Western Sydney

More land is being released and rezoned for thousands of new homes in Western Sydney, as new figures show 100,000 homes have now been built since the election of the NSW Liberals & Nationals Government.

The NSW Government has also announced the Budget will include measures to help even more families get into the housing market – with the threshold for the First Home Owner Grant for new homes boosted to $750,000.

NSW Premier and Minister for Western Sydney Mike Baird, Minister for Planning Pru Goward and Treasurer Andrew Constance made the announcement today at The Ponds in Sydney’s North West along with the Member for Riverstone Kevin Conolly.

“In Western Sydney there is a massive housing boom occurring and the unlocking of up to 6,600 new housing lots at three sites will boost housing supply and make homes more affordable,” Mr Baird said.

“The NSW Liberals & Nationals Government is fast-tracking the release and rezoning of land for housing in Western Sydney, while delivering the critical infrastructure needed to support these new homes.

“We are seeing fields in Western Sydney transformed into vibrant new suburbs, which in addition to boosting housing supply is also creating thousands of jobs for tradies and builders.

“The NSW Government is ensuring these new homes are delivered close to local jobs, with strong public transport and road links.

“That is why we’re getting on with the job of building the North West Rail Link, the South West Rail Link, WestConnex, and upgrading roads including Schofields Road and Camden Valley Way.”

The sites being rezoned or released are:

· Marsden Park North: Release of land for up to 4,000 homes close to the new Cudgegong Road Station being constructed as part of the North West Rail Link and close to Schofields and Riverstone stations on the Western Line. Land has also been reserved for a future Marsden Park station as part of the North West Rail Link.

· Redbank, Richmond: Rezoning of land for up to 1,400 new homes close to Richmond Station on the Western Line.

· Ashlar, Blacktown: Rezoning of a disused golf course between Blacktown and Marayong train stations with up to 1,200 new homes a 10 minute walk from the Blacktown CBD. The rezoning includes a requirement for improvements to local roads and intersections by the developer.

Ms Goward said new figures from the Department of Planning and Environment show that 100,000 homes have been built across the state since the election of the NSW Liberals & Nationals Government in 2011.

“Under the former Labor Government, the NSW housing sector was at an all-time low, but the policies of the NSW Government have turned this around,” Ms Goward said.

“The NSW Government is releasing more land for housing, overseeing high levels of housing approvals and has achieved impressive results with 100,000 homes constructed since 2011.

“Western Sydney is the powerhouse of Sydney’s housing recovery – with more than a third of the 100,000 new homes delivered built in suburbs like The Ponds, Oran Park and Pemulwuy.

“In three years, the NSW Government has overseen the completion of about 10,000 more homes than the last three years of the previous Labor government, a 12 per cent increase.

“Since 2011, rezoning of land for 49,000 new homes in Western Sydney’s major growth centres has occurred, compared to just 19,800 under Labor over the previous three year period.

“Housing approval figures show rates are at their highest level in almost 11 years, which is boosting housing supply and making homes more affordable.”

Mr Constance said the NSW Government has taken strong steps to drive housing construction and boost supply by targeting first homebuyer incentives to new homes.

“As we accelerate housing supply in NSW, we will also ensure more young families are supported when they enter the property market,” Mr Constance said.

“This year’s Budget will increase the threshold of the First Home Buyers Grant for new homes to the value of $750,000, a $100,000 increase.

“This will make the dream for young families of owning their own home that bit easier.

“We are getting on with the job of freeing up land supply while ensuring the financial support is in place for young families entering the market.

“This year’s Budget will continue the responsible financial management of the past three years, delivering the economic and social outcomes people are right to expect, and delivering on our commitments to accelerate infrastructure in NSW.”

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