Stuart Ayres med rel: Sydney Olympic Park saves money and the environment

2As part of World Environment Day, NSW Minister for Sport and Recreation Stuart Ayres has unveiled an innovative new cogeneration plant which will not only save energy costs at Sydney Olympic Park Aquatic Centre, but help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

“This gas-fired cogeneration plant will reduce the greenhouse gas emissions of the Aquatic Centre, by some 1,250 tonnes of CO2 per year,” Mr Ayres said.

“The cogeneration plant will generate electricity and supplement the work of the existing electric-powered boilers, allowing reduced use of the boilers with the gas-fired plant shouldering the load, with savings of at least $250,000 per year, every year.”

The work, completed by Australian company Total Energy Solutions, required the design and construction of two 260kWe gas fired cogeneration units, which were then, in a delicate lifting job, installed five stories up inside Sydney Olympic Park Aquatic Centre.

The total cost of the project was $1.8 million, an investment that will pay for itself in reduced energy bills in only seven years at current electricity prices.

“I applaud the innovative thinking that underpins this project.”

“This project is a win not only on economic grounds, but also environmentally, reducing greenhouse gas emissions at the same time it is cutting energy costs,” Mr Ayres concluded.

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