Mike Baird med rel: Transforming NSW – 1,000 new apprentices to help deliver infrastructure program

18NSW Premier, Minister for Infrastructure and Minister for Western Sydney Mike Baird has announced that at least 1,000 apprentices will be employed to help the NSW Government deliver its record $60 billion infrastructure program.

“The NSW Government is transforming NSW through the delivery of a massive infrastructure program right across the state,” Mr Baird said.

“Under the NSW Government’s procurement process for major infrastructure projects, we will set minimum requirements for apprenticeships on a project-by-project basis and ensure bidders spell out how they will leave a lasting skills dividend for local communities.

“Bidders will be assessed on a range of criteria, including the number of apprenticeships they are prepared to create during construction and through the partnerships they forge with local TAFE and other tertiary institutions.

“These actions will create at least 1,000 new apprenticeship positions during the delivery of our infrastructure program.

“Half of our transport infrastructure spending occurs in Western Sydney, which is home to the nation’s largest road project, WestConnex.

“The region will also be transformed by the delivery of new roads for a second Sydney airport.

“The delivery of these once-in-a-generation infrastructure projects creates the opportunity for another vitally important legacy – new jobs and new skills.

“Working on our infrastructure projects will give young apprentices an opportunity to learn key new skills, and will leave the state with a lasting legacy of a highly skilled workforce who received on-the-job training.

“The NSW Government will work with infrastructure contractors, registered training organisations and other stakeholders to facilitate the employment and training of apprentices.

“The NSW Government’s infrastructure program will benefit apprentices everywhere – but especially in Western Sydney, which is the infrastructure engine-room of the state.

“This is our state, this is our infrastructure and it will be built by our young people.”

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