Mike Baird & Victor Dominello med rel: Premier welcomes Rotary delegates to Sydney

10NSW Premier Mike Baird today welcomed thousands of Rotarians to Sydney, who are attending Rotary International’s 105th annual convention at Sydney Olympic Park.

“Sydney is proud to host the 2014 Rotary International Convention, which is being attended by up to 20,000 delegates from more than 150 countries,” said Mr Baird, who addressed the convention today.

“Sydney is the major events capital of the Asia Pacific and this event will allow us to showcase our harbour city to the thousands of Rotary delegates who have travelled here from around the world.

“Rotary clubs and volunteers provide outstanding service to the community and this convention is a great opportunity for like-minded Rotarians to connect with each other.

“This year’s convention is providing significant economic and tourism benefits to NSW, with the event injecting an estimated $60.5 million into the state’s economy.

“That is great news for local businesses and workers in the tourism and hospitality sectors.

“I encourage all of the Rotary delegates here for the conference to take the opportunity to explore Sydney and regional NSW during their visit.

“There is plenty to see – the Sydney Opera House, the Sydney Harbour Bridge, Manly Beach, the Blue Mountains and the vineyards in the Hunter Valley.”

Minister for Citizenship and Communities Victor Dominello said Rotary International had demonstrated the global power of volunteering for over a century.

“We are pleased to welcome Rotary delegates from across 150 nations to Sydney for this convention,” said Mr Dominello, who also addressed the convention.

“NSW is proudly home to more than two million volunteers and Rotary is held in high esteem right across our community.

“Today’s Rotary movement is 1.2 million strong with its projects transforming lives in the world’s most underprivileged communities.

“This event provides is an invaluable opportunity for volunteers to come together to build upon their philanthropic and humanitarian missions.”

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