Jillian Skinner med rel: NSW Government announces $2 million boost for cardiac research

4The NSW Liberal & Nationals Government tonight announced new funding of $2 million to support cardiovascular research in NSW.

Premier Mike Baird and Health Minister and Medical Research Minister Jillian Skinner announced the funding boost at the launch of the Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute Breaking the Cycle of Heart Disease 20:20 Campaign.

The NSW Government’s commitment of $2 million matches a $2 million contribution from the Packer and Lowy families.

During a dinner at the Lowy Packer Building in Darlinghurst, Steven Lowy AM was also honoured for his leadership of the Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute. Mr Lowy served the Institute from 1995 to 2013 as Board Director and later Chairman.

“Heart disease is the leading cause of death in Australia, claiming the lives of more than 20,000 people each year,” Mrs Skinner said.

“Cardiovascular disease impacts directly and indirectly on the lives of a significant portion of the population in NSW.

“The legacy of the late Victor Chang lives on in the wonderful work being undertaken by the Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute and other research centres around NSW.

“The $2 million we announce tonight will ensure NSW attracts national and international collaborations in key areas such as organ transplantation, congenital heart disease, epigenetics, molecular cardiology, stem cell biology and sudden cardiac death.

“It will enhance the state’s capacity for translating research from the bench top to the bedside to deliver real outcomes for patients.”

Mrs Skinner paid tribute to Mr Lowy, saying: “Steven brought enormous knowledge and passion to his role as a leader of the Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute.

“He was never just a figure head but always very hands-on and deeply involved in the Institute’s vital work. Through his example, many people were inspired to support cardiac research.

“I thank Steven for his long years of service – and I thank the Packer and Lowy families for their generous $2 million contribution to the Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute, which I am delighted the NSW Government is able to match.”

Mrs Skinner said the NSW Liberal & Nationals Government commits $200 million to medical research each year.

“I am passionate about the power of research to change the lives of people who face significant health challenges,” Mrs Skinner said.

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