Media Release – Mahatma Gandhi International Prize For Social Responsibility Launched

3Injustice, real or perceived, we consider, is the root cause of socialunrest including violence in the society.

The significance of this award – the Mahatma Gandhi International Prize for Social Responsibility – lies in the recognition of work done by those individuals around the world who have dedicated their life to cause of fostering social justice and promoting peace and nonviolence in their day to day life.

We have dedicated this prestigious prize / award as a tribute to Mahatma Gandhi, no doubt the greatest preacher and practitioner of nonviolence, peace, reconciliation, social justice…

Gandhi was a social and spiritual leader of great depth and foresight.

He transformed daily, practical tasks and issues into potent symbols that helped organize nonviolent resistance to British rule and capture the hearts and minds of Indians and Britons alike.

His example serves as a model of how a social protest movement grounded in the cultivation of personal virtue can capture the imagination of millions and change the world.

The inaugurating Medal has been conferred to the living apostle of peace and social justice President Daisaku Ikeda. The Prize was presented on 10 May in Melbourne at the fiftieth anniversary celebration of the Soka Gakkai International.

Thereafter there will be stringent and well documented selection process including a panel of 5 judges from the Senior Professors and Gandhi Scholars.

Nomination and criteria for the award on 2 October 2015 will be uploaded to the website.

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