The book entitled Mahatma Gandhi & My Grandfather, Allama Mashriqi: A Groundbreaking Narrative of India’s Partition by Nasim Yousaf, a grandson of Allama Mashriqi, will be exhibited at BookExpo America, one of the largest book fairs in the world. The fair runs from May 28-31, 2014 at the Javits Center in New York City.
BookExpo America is a massive event for the book publishing industry and draws a large number of visitors from around the world. According to the BookExpo web site, the event “combines the largest selection of English language titles on the planet and is the largest gathering of booksellers, librarians,…retailers, and industry professionals in North America, making it the #1 place to experience the latest technology trends, discover new titles…” The site also states that on the last day of the event, BookExpo will be open to the general public and “book fans from around the world can gather to discover new books, meet authors…” Literary agents and publishers from various countries also come to the show to secure distribution, licensing, publishing, and translation rights.
The book Mahatma Gandhi & My Grandfather, Allama Mashriqi will be exhibited at BookExpo. The work is the latest offering from Mr. Nasim Yousaf, a well-known scholar and historian who has been conducting extensive research on South Asian history since 1996. He has thus far written twelve books and countless articles and has also compiled a digital version of the rare and historic Al-Islah newspaper (official newspaper of the Khaksar Tehrik). In his book on Mahatma Gandhi and Allama Mashriqi, Mr. Yousaf contrasts the role of the two South Asian leaders in India’s independence, bringing to light many revealing insights along the way.
Excerpt from Book Description
“Allama Mashriqi and Mahatma Gandhi shared many similarities — both men left their professions behind and dedicated their lives to liberating India from British rule. Both adopted a life of simplicity and began their grassroots campaigns in the streets and villages of the country. Both were nominated for the Nobel Prize (Mashriqi for his monumental work, Tazkirah, and Gandhi for his non-violence) and shared a common objective of achieving independence for the nation. Yet despite all their similarities, they could not reach agreement on Mashriqi’s The Constitution of Free India, 1946 A.C. nor were they able to work together to achieve a united, independent India. Why? The answers are contained in this book.
In Mahatma Gandhi and My Grandfather, Allama Mashriqi, Mr. Yousaf brings together nearly 17 years of exhaustive research of historical documents as well as firsthand knowledge and insights gained from Allama Mashriqi’s wife, sons, daughters, and the Khaksars, who were part of the freedom movement and witnessed the division of India. He takes the reader through a riveting journey as he brings to light a fresh new analysis of the freedom of British India.”
As the first scholarly study on these two personalities, this book is sure to generate great interest from the thousands of visitors to BookExpo in New York. The work (printed and published in the USA) is an excellent read not only for people interested in South Asian studies, but also for all book lovers around the world.