Pentagon chief meets Georgian defence minister on Ukraine

17Washington, May 8 (IANS) US Defence Secretary Chuck Hagel Wednesday met with Georgian

Minister of Defence Irakli Alasania to discuss the situation in Ukraine, according to the

US Defence Department.

“The two leaders discussed the ongoing crisis in Ukraine. They reviewed the efforts by

allies and partners in the region to reinforce international commitments and to continue to

apply diplomatic and economic pressure on Moscow,” Xinhua quoted a statement as saying.

Hagel also thanked Alasania for Georgia’s contributions to the International Security

Assistance Force mission in Afghanistan, and he encouraged Georgia to continue the progress

it has made on defence reform and NATO interoperability.

“Secretary Hagel reaffirmed the importance of the US partnership with Georgia, and pledged

to continue our strong defence cooperation,” it added.

Tensions remained unabated in eastern Ukraine, where pro-Russia militants are engaged in

conflicts with the government troops.

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