Look after your mental health this festive season

FemaleSantaGeneric_largeMinister for Mental Health, Kevin Humphries, is reminding people to look after their mental health this festive season and to remember friends and family who may find the Christmas period to be a difficult time.

Mr Humphries said Christmas and New Years can be a very lonely and stressful time for some people.

“We all lead very busy lives and with so much happening over the holiday season it can be easy to forget about those who might not be coping.  It’s important to look out for one another at this time of year.”

The festive period can make existing problems seem bigger and many people find it hard to cope with the demands of the season.

Mr Humphries said social pressure, financial stress, raised holiday expectations, increased feelings of loneliness and family interaction top the list as catalysts for holiday-related stress and anxiety.

“Some people grapple with family and relationship issues, others may be privately struggling with feelings of loneliness, depression or anxiety.  Christmas time can also remind people of the loss of a loved one,” Minister Humphries said.

People can reduce holiday stress and maintain good mental health by following these simple tips:

  • ·         asking for help – don’t be afraid to ask for help or accept it;
  • ·         being active – physical activity helps to maintain mental well-being;
  • ·         being with people – keep communicating and interacting, and consider talking to those you trust about               how you are feeling;
  • ·         try to relax – balance responsibilities and work with recreation and leisure activities;
  • ·         drink in moderation.

“At this time of year, as throughout the year, I encourage everyone to show support and awareness of friends, loved ones and those in your community who may be stressed, lonely, depressed or suffering a mental illness,” Minister Humphries said.

“If you know someone who’ll be alone over Christmas, give them a call and let them know you’re thinking about them.

“If you’re alone yourself, think about who else you might know who’ll be spending Christmas by themselves and get in touch.

“As we head into the New Year, make some time to think about the positive changes you may like to make to your

life, whether it’s more being more active and eating more healthily, or spending a bit more time with family and friends.  All these changes can really help to boost your mental health and provide you more support to deal with tough situations when they arise.”

Those needing support are encouraged to contact Lifeline’s 24 hour crisis phone line on 13 11 14.

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