Nawaz Sharif to attend n-summit in Netherlands

4Islamabad, March 22 (IANS) Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif will lead a delegation to the Third Nuclear Security Summit (NSS) being held in The Hague, the Pakistani foreign ministry said Friday.

The Third NSS (March 24-25) will be attended by leaders from 53 countries and the UN, European Union, International Atomic Energy Agency and Interpol. Like the first two summits, Nuclear Security Summit 2014 aims to promote nuclear security through voluntary national actions and international cooperation, Xinhua reported Friday.

Sharif will address the gathering of world leaders March 24 and will be one of the keynote speakers at a meeting on the future of the NSS process March 25, the statement said.

“In line with the Government Pakistan’s commitment to bridging the country’s energy deficit, the prime minister will also seek non-discriminatory access for Pakistan to nuclear technology for peaceful uses, including nuclear power generation,” the statement said.

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