“Kalam sir still lives in me and I find my purpose in him,” Harry Sheridon, who served as the Private Secretary to Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam

By Elsa Lycias Joel

Interview Part II: Elsa Lycias Joel spoke to Harry Sheridon who has been the Private Secretary to Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam. Three years have passed ever since Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam passed away leaving behind enough to be thought, read, said and done for the greater good. With quite many biographies, anectodes and articles throwing light on the life of this great soul, it seems as though people had known what all they ought to know about The People’s President. But getting up close and personal with ‘the man behind the man’ is worth a conversation. Read on:

What disappointed Dr. Kalam the most?

Imperfection. He knew all his staff and their capabilities like the back of his hand. Anything done lesser than one’s capability made him snipe “fantastic”.The inner circle understood this tone of his very well.

How was Dr. Kalam’s temperament in private, on a daily basis, come what may?

It’s difficult to be definite because no person only possesses one personality type. He was sanguine at the prospect of meeting kids, youth and leaders. Overall, during a one-to-one chat or a winding up discussion, I found him thankful, genial, humorous and compassionate.

So, More than two decades and you found no flaws in him!

You don’t find anything wrong with a friend who is realistic and idealistic, do you!

Having heard from reliable sources that quite a few friends and relatives of Dr. Kalam considered you as his son, I would like to know how you played son.

I can answer this differently as to how Dr. Kalam had an authority over me, the way I looked and dressed and how he made sure I was served what I wanted whenever we travelled together. A couple of years ago, when I sported a beard, he questioned me twice on why I needed one for which I had no good answer. His curiosity didn’t surprise me because I almost always sported a clean shaven look, the best accessory for men to be taken seriously rather than the super intimidating look. Since I didn’t take the cue from his questions, he simply said, “Remove it, I say” just as a father would say to a son who lost his marbles. The tone conveyed more than those four words I heard. Every time he made sure I was served the food I love he would say “attack” just as a doting dad. What a wonderful feeling, what a sense of liberation, when he called me the ‘Funny Guy’ because that meant something to both of us. I was his ‘Funny Guy’ when I said a right thing at the right time, when I took a great lesson from him, when I willingly unlearnt stuff, when I differed with him and backed it up with a convincing and logical reason and especially when we were strengthened by the most perfect feeling a person can ever have bonding. When my motor bike was stolen in 1995, Dr. Kalam dropped me home almost every day for six months. He didn’t mind taking the effort or a diversion.

He also gave me an image, as worthy as our friendship with a title, “My guy”. Everyone in our circle knew what it meant.There were many more instances I remember with love and gratitude. I was trusted and treated with great regard.

When exactly did Dr. Kalam turn a poet? Was it the grandeur of Rashtrapati Bhavan and its gardens that motivated him to become India’s Poet President? How did he get into the imagination of renowned poets?

He was a born poet. He was into penning poems long ago. .Being blessed with the gift of poetry, creation as such motivated him because Dr. Kalam considered poetry as ‘thanks-giving’.  Yes, Mughal gardens did fuel his passion. Peacock dance and lapwings fascinated him as much as the deer play. He made sure beautiful moments were  photographed and documented without really disturbing the birds and animals.

In the more than 20 odd years I knew him as a poet, it was Dr. Kalam’s humanitas that most impressed me and his readership too. Turning to his poetry, it is easy reading. Since the 1980s Dr. Kalam has moved into the imagination and fascination of many poets and writers. He is celebrated by both national and International poets.

Poems of celebrated poet Dr Yu Hsi of Taiwan celebrate Dr. Kalam’s nobility and virtues comparing themto nature and galaxy in a unique way.All of Yu Hsi’ s poems are fantastic and my favourite one is

Sowing seeds

The youth is always industriously sowing seeds

Early in the morning, awakened by the first rays of daybreak

“Why didn’t you marry President” was the mostly asked question to which Dr. Kalam responded in different ways. Given your proximity and comfort level with him, what’s your perception? 

IMG_7438 (1)He was wedded to his work. During his prime days, he channelized all his energy and attention towards research and he had never felt the need for marriage, a separate family. He was already closely knit with his large family, a joint one, which loved him unconditionally. A heart-to-heart chat with him also revealed one thing. That is, he was meant for the greater good.

Being Private Secretary to the most adored Indian President was a pleasant task I understand. What are you most grateful to People’s President for?

Of course! Our journey together has been eventful. A journey is best measured in friends, than miles…. it’s more than true. As far as the multiple roles I adorned, I am more than conscious of my responsibilities to uphold his ideals.

For his presence in my life as such and for making me better every passing day, even today. Kalam sir still lives in me and I find my purpose in him.



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