Australian Telangana Forum celebrates Telangana Formation Day with style

Australian Telangana Forum (ATF) celebrated the Telangana Formation Day in the form Multicultural Night on June 3, 2023, at Harvey Pavilion Hall in Castle Hill, NSW.

The occasion was celebrated amid rants “Jai Telangana” and the event was graced by The Hon. Mayor of Parramatta Sameer Pandey , and Special Guest Mr. Surendra Mohan Kadaveru (IAS) Secretary to Hon. Governor of Telangana

Cultural activities kick started with young kids performing to the popular numbers, with attendees cheering the performers. ATF President Prashanth Kumar Kadaparthi, speaking on the occasion said, “I am thrilled and overjoyed with the response as ATF was established in 2006 with a vision to ‘Connect Telangana Community to promote Culture, and Commerce’”. He also stated that though we stay miles away from Telangana – India our soul and heart is connected back and goo to see the people passing the culture and tradition to next generations and urged the audience to support ATF events and the team that put together the Telangana Cultural Night 2023. Later he Introduced ATF EC Team saying that without its members the event would not have been a successful one.

The event was also graced by other Blacktown Councilor Livingston Chettipally and by other local community leaders.

  • Mayor Sameer Pandey namaskar drew a thunderous applause from the audience and stated that this is the first ever bigger Telugu event that he attended after becoming the Mayor of Parramatta, He also said  Australia is the best place for Multiculturalism  and appreciated the diverse variation and the efforts ATF are putting in to celebrate its rich  Telangana culture and tradition and uniqueness in Australia and acknowledged the multicultural Telangana state on its 10 years and good to see the same spirit in Australia.
  • Livingston Chettipally who was representing Blacktown Council praised the ATF community for its contributions and retaining its culture and traditions while simultaneously assimilating in the society here.
  • Surendhra Mohan (IAS) accoladed the ATF services and said though the people living mile’s part from Telangana are still spreading the rich culture and tradition to next generations.

Program promptly started at 5:30pm; with various cultural activities, music and dance performances that thrilled the audience and the guests who have come to witness this from all over the Sydney.

ATF Treasurer Vinay Kumar Yama welcomed everyone and the ATF Family Members and Kids  sang Australian and Indian national anthems followed by candle lighting (Jyothi Prajwalana) ceremony and offered prayer to Lord Ganesha to bless the event.

Later Sydney Bathukamma Team (SBDF) along with Chairman . Anil Munagala, Secretary  Srinivas Reddy Tootukur and Team unveiled the Bathukamma (Flower Festival) poster in the presence of guests and followed by the Shiva Garjana Drums which was the special treat for the people.

Goverdhan Reddy Muddam –  General Secretary of ATF, thanked everyone who came to the event and also all the performers, choreographers, sponsors and the ATF Foundation team for providing such a platform. He also thanked Indian artists who came all over from India to perform at the event  and requested younger generation to be part of ATF.Do visit for more info:

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