Discovering the Secrets of lasting happiness

Happiness cannot be achieved overnight but rather a journey that requires intention and effort.

The key to happiness is not about achieving a specific goal or material possession but cultivating mindful living, said Dr T. Selva, the author of Secrets of Happy Living book.

However, he said attaining this state of well-being is not always easy, especially when life is full of challenges and uncertainties. He said the mysteries of happy living are not limited to a particular age, gender, or social status but a process.

“There is no definitive set of values that universally apply to everyone’s secrets of happiness, as different individuals have different priorities, perspectives, and experiences.

“However, there are techniques, and anyone can apply these principles to live a happier and more fulfilling life,” said Dr Selva, who released his sixth book recently.

The award-winning author and columnist on Vasthu Sastra in the Indus Age emphasise the importance of gratitude, positive thinking, forgiveness, removing worries, and meaningful relationships in achieving happiness.

“Setbacks and problems are part of our daily life, and running away, avoiding, or ignoring the woes are not the solutions because they will follow every person like their shadow.

“Finding ways to cope, handle, manage and ease the issues are the art of happy living which everyone should learn and be aware of the techniques,” he said.

After meeting and attending mind, body, and spiritual courses from several renowned spiritual leaders, including the 14th Dalai Lama, silent guru Mother Meera and hugging saint Amma, he learnt the mysteries.

Dr Selva said that being grateful for what you have in life is one of the most significant secrets of happy living.

Instead of focusing on what you do not have, he said to focus on what you have and be thankful for it because expressing appreciation can make you feel happier and content with your life.

“Mindfulness is the practice of being present at the moment and fully aware of your surroundings.

“It involves paying attention to your thoughts, feelings, and sensations without judgment. Being mindful can help reduce stress and anxiety and improve your overall well-being,” he said.

Dr Selva said positive thinking has a significant impact on your level of happiness.

He said positive thinking could improve your mood and increase your happiness.

“When you focus on the good in life, you will attract positive things and experiences.

“Overcoming challenges and setbacks can build resilience, a sense of accomplishment, and a belief in your abilities,” he said.

Another method, he said, is helping others, which can also contribute to your happiness.

“When you help others, you feel a sense of purpose and contentment.

“It can also help to improve your social connections and provide a sense of community,” he said, adding that by incorporating these principles into your life, you can experience greater joy, satisfaction and well-being.

His passion is rooted in his belief that the principles of this ancient system can help people live more harmonious and rewarding lives.

Dr Selva also discusses the role of exercise, meditation, the sweetness of speech, and self-reflection in promoting mental and emotional well-being.

The book offers practical advice and helpful tips for readers to improve their overall quality of life and cultivate happiness daily.

Throughout the book, Dr Selva draws on real-life case studies and anecdotes to illustrate his points, making the information accessible and relatable to readers of all backgrounds and experiences.

The over 300-page book is a must-read for anyone looking to make positive changes and find greater happiness and contentment.

To get a copy of the book, contact/WhatsApp Anand at +61 410 177 472.

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