Our body and house must synchronise to enjoy peace

By Dr T. Selva

Our house and body are regarded as mass vibrating energies in Vasthu Sastra, the ancient Indian science of architecture.

Both forces should remain harmonious for dwellers to enjoy good health, peace of mind, prosperity and happiness.

Whether you rent or own a property does not matter because energy effects are the same in all cosmos.

However, any imbalance in our five senses of touch, taste, hearing, smell and sight can disturb our health and well-being; the same applies to property defects.

We can visit the doctor and recover with the given medication when sick. But any defects in the house – if not rectified – will continue to distort energy flow and cause distress to the occupants.

I would focus this column on key structural defects in a property that can cause problems if they are not corrected and how you can identify and rectify the situation.

Several readers have expressed concern about the imperfections in their homes and wanted to know how they could resolve the issues without significant renovations.

Plot: The land on which the property is built should be rectangular or square. Cuts in any corner of the land will alter the subtle energy flow, and the occupants will not enjoy its benefits.

For instance, if there is a void in the north-east portion of the plot, it will hinder the growth of the breadwinner; he will also experience financial losses if the south-west portion of the land is missing.

The recommended solution is to acquire the missing portion. Also, avoid extended and irregular-shaped plots, which are unfavourable in Vasthu. The Vasthu yantra (mystical diagrams) remedy should be applied if all this is impossible.

Main entrance: The main entrance to the property should be placed in the centre, depending on the direction the house faces.

Ideally, it should be located in the north, south, east, west, north-east, north-west or south-east. Avoid the south-west. If your main door is in the south-west, relocate it to any of the above quadrants.

Side door entrances are not encouraged because a house should have only one main entrance.

Rear door: The back and front doors should be aligned straight. The rationale is that positive energy enters the property via the main entrance and negative energy exits through the back door.

Door: The main door should be the biggest in the house, rectangular and not arch-shaped. The height should be double the width. It should be made of solid wood and should not have glass motifs. Metal and all other types of material should be avoided. The main door should open inward towards the right.

Staircase: The stairway can be located in all quadrants except the north-east and south-west.

It should turn clockwise and the steps should be odd numbers. Add one more step to make it an odd number if you have an even number of steps. Avoid the spiral staircase.

Toilet and bathroom: Avoid having the bathrooms in the south-west and north-east quadrants because they are inauspicious locations for such purposes. All other quadrants are fine and the commode should face north or south.

Kitchen: The stove should be located in the south-east or north-west quadrants so that food cooked and consumed from these two locations will be good and will not cause indigestion and other stomach problems.

Other amenities like the fridge can be placed according to the occupants’ convenience.

Master bedroom: The master of the house and his wife should sleep in the south-west bedroom; it should be the biggest room in the house.

Children should not be allowed to sleep with their parents. If the master bedroom is not located in the south-west, the next option is to occupy any room in this region.

Couples are discouraged from sleeping in other quadrants like the south-east and north-east as this will hurt them.

Children’s bedroom: The best bedroom for the son should be in the north-east; for the daughter, it should be in the north-west.

The study room should occupy the north-east quadrant of the home so that whatever you read and write will be easily absorbed. Avoid creating a study room in the bedroom.

Study and library: Whatever you read and write will be absorbed easily if you occupy the north-east quadrant. This quadrant can also be used as your home office.

Laundry room: This utility room should occupy the south-east or north-west quadrant.

Maid’s room: The house helper should not sleep on the same floor as the family. She should sleep in the south-east quadrant to stay alert and serve with dedication.

Guest room: Visitors should be placed in the bedroom in the north-west or south-east. All other locations are disallowed.

Prayer roomThe north-east quadrant should be reserved as the sacred space for body, mind and spirit activities. If there is a room here, it should be kept for this purpose with the altar facing east.

Another choice for the prayer space would be the living room in the central position of the house on the ground floor. All other locations are disallowed because it will hamper the family’s spiritual development.

Award-winning author Dr T. Selva is a writer of the bestseller book Vasthu Sastra Guide. To purchase a copy of the book, call Devi at 0412623017. He can be contacted at drtselvas@gmail.com Facebook: Vasthu Sastra; Website: www.vasthusastra.com

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