Happy Shiv Jayanti/Shiv Ratri: New Age Spirituality Commemorates The Birth of Our Supreme Father, The Creator of Heaven

godNew Age Spirituality begins in the last 100 years of the cycle of 5000 years when the world is about to change. This period is between Kaliyuga and Sathiyuga called Sangumyuga or the Diamond Age. It is during this period the Supreme Father descends to transform what has gone wrong.  4rh March denotes the 83rd birthday of our Divine Father Shiva.

He has come to reveal the True Gita to cleanse and purify Bharat and the whole World. There is sorrow, suffering, corruption in the world and conflict in every home today and we are now in the depths of hell, Kaliyuga.

The Supreme Father takes Divine Birth by entering a human body which carries the number one Soul of the world and names that body Brahma and creates The Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University. Our Divine Father uses that body to impart Spiritual knowledge to His special children who were Deities once before and His Special Children impart this Spiritual knowledge to Souls throughout the whole world. By making elevated effort these Brahmin Souls then become Deities in the New World Sathiyuga. At the moment those idols are non-living whereas once before they were living human beings with Divine Virtues.

It’s now time to make special elevated effort to know the past, present and future and to claim self-sovereignty, our inheritance of Health, Wealth, Prosperity and Happiness, as well as a high status by imbibing Divine Virtues, good qualities and values in life.

Our Divine Father teaches us how to fight the war in our mind by fighting the opposition force of Ravan or Maya, We take strength from God through The Power of Raja Yoga in order to conquer the Vices by being Manmanabhav-Allowing your mind to be with God.

The Third World War is a physical war which is final and will open the gates to Heaven.

It is during this period of the Confluence Age or Diamond Age that God becomes The Creator, The Director, The Principal Actor, The Supreme Father, The Supreme Teacher and Satguru, meaning True Guide. He becomes our greatest server.

After the Birth of Shiva is The Birth of the Gita and Then the Birth of the first Deity, the first Prince of Heaven- Sri Krishna, who has made the number one effort in his last and final birth as Brahma.

Shyam Sunder refers only to Deities. By following Rama’s dictates we become sunder/beautiful and by following Ravan’s dictates we become shyam/ugly.  One is the Positive force and the other is the Negative force. By conquering the negative force every cycle, we create Sathiyuga through The Power of Shiva. Trimurti Shiva has three main helpers Brahma Vishnu and Shankar in order to accomplish His task of world renewal. Brahma helps create the new world, Vishnu sustains Heaven and it is said that Shankar is responsible for destruction and cleansing of all irreligious acts in Kaliyuga. Father Shiva is the only image without a human form and is Light known as Jyothi who fills our aprons whereas Shankar empties them.

Liberation cannot be carried out by man or any human, Only The Supreme Father is The unlimited Bestower who grants Liberation to every Soul. It’s now time to Remember the Creator and not Creation. We have to prepare for the return journey back home.

Atma to Paramatma is Divine cleansing, Soul to Supreme Soul.  Bathing in the river will only cleanse the body, the five elements of matter and not the soul. The Spirit or The Soul is only cleansed in the remembrance of the Supreme Soul, The Supreme Spirit.

It is important to remember that God is never omnipresent; it is Ravan that is omnipresent.  Spirituality takes you above Religion.

OM Shanti

For more information,  contact your nearest Brahma Kumaris centre as There are many courses and retreats offered free of charge. Bookings essential.

Yours most obedient servant,

Brother Bubbles

Sydney, Australia

Spiritual Counsellor, Spiritual Teacher, Spiritual Exhibitionist, Motivational Speaker.

Email: healing.blessings@iinet.net.au

Healing and Blessings Centre

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