India’s benchmark equity index S&P BSE Sensex crossed the 60,000 points milestone during Friday’s early morning trade session. Accordingly, the 30-scrip sensitive index traded at 60,166.69 points at 9.15 a.m. just after the pre-open session. The Sensex opened at 60,158.76 points from its previous close of 59,885.36 points. It took 246 days to accumulate the […]
The Nasdaq listed Sify Technologies Ltd will be setting up 200 MW capacity data centres over the next four years with a mix of hyperscale and retail facilities, said a company official. The new data centres will come up in Mumbai, Delhi and Bengaluru where the demand is expected to be more both for colocation […]
Leading sportswear giant – adidas unveiled its first flagship store in India. Located in the heart of the national capital – Connaught Place, ‘The Home of Possibilities’ store is a blend of multiple digital touch points, sustainability zone and embodies the future of retail experience for consumers. Spread in 5,900 sq ft of retail area […]
The Indian stock market traded in the green on Monday morning with the BSE Sensex touching a new record high. Sensex has touched a fresh high of 58,515.85 points and the Nifty50 on the National Stock Exchange 17,429.55 points. Around 10.15 a.m., Sensex was trading at 58,421.04, higher by 291.09 points or 0.50 per cent […]
Field Officers are visiting communities across the country to encourage people who haven’t completed the Census to do so today. They’re dropping off reminders or a paper form, in line with local COVID-19 restrictions. The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) estimates it has received more than 9.1 million completed forms in the 2021 Census, which […]
As the e-commerce sector grows in India, the value e-commerce market in the country has the potential to reach $40 billion by 2030, according to a report by global consulting firm Kearney. The report noted that Indian consumers have always been value conscious, and much of the overall demand is for affordable, smaller-ticket items. From […]
Foreign investors can register investment companies in Nepal but under certain strict conditions as per the new rules introduced by the Himalayan nation’s government. Foreigners who want to register an investment company in Nepal can bring foreign investments only in the form of share capital, according to the notice published by the Ministry of Industry, […]
Petrol and diesel prices in the country remained static for the 26th consecutive day on Thursday. Accordingly, in the national capital, petrol continues to be sold for Rs 101.84 per litre, while diesel is also being sold at the unchanged price of Rs 89.87 a litre on Thursday. Across the country as well, fuel prices […]
The Competition Commission of India (CCI) has approved the additional equity stake acquisition in United Breweries by Heineken International B.V. The proposed transaction, however, is subject to the outcome of certain court proceedings, according to a combination notice filed with the anti-trust body. In a tweet on Monday, the CCI said: “Commission approves proposed acquisition […]
Riding on remote work and learning as the pandemic continues in India, the traditional PC market (inclusive of desktops, notebooks and workstations) continued its growth streak with shipments growing 73.1 per cent year-over-year (YoY) to reach 3.1 million units in the first quarter this year, an IDC report showed on Thursday. The Q1 recorded the […]