Hon Albert Jacob BEnvDes M.Arch JP MLA — Extra protection for WA’s native species

Hon Albert Jacob BEnvDes M.Arch JP MLA — Extra protection for WA’s native species

Nine fauna and flora species have been added to Western Australia’s threatened species lists. Environment Minister Albert Jacob said listing native species as threatened strengthened the need for conservation and highlighted the importance of initiatives such as the Kimberley Science and Conservation Strategy and Western Shield. “Carter’s freshwater mussel has been added to the list. […]

Hon John Day BSc BDSc MLA — WA Museum dinosaurs storm the nation

Hon John Day BSc BDSc MLA — WA Museum dinosaurs storm the nation

The Western Australian Museum’s record-breaking exhibition Dinosaur Discovery: Lost Creatures of the Cretaceous will travel to Queensland next year. Culture and the Arts Minister John Day said more than 173,000 people visited the exhibition in Perth, making it the WA Museum’s most popular exhibition to date. “The hugely successful exhibition will open at the Queensland […]

Hon Kim Hames MB BS JP MLA — Youth to be consulted for workforce plan

Hon Kim Hames MB BS JP MLA — Youth to be consulted for workforce plan

Challenges and barriers to training and employment faced by young people in Western Australia are the subject of a new study by the State Government through the Department of Training and Workforce Development. Co-ordinated through the State Training Board Youth Unemployment Steering Committee, the survey aims to identify factors that affect the ability of young […]

Hon Liza Harvey MLA — Road safety projects receive funding boost

Hon Liza Harvey MLA — Road safety projects receive funding boost

Road Safety Minister Liza Harvey has announced the latest recipients of the State Government’s Road Safety Community Grants Program. Eleven organisations will share in more than $16,000 after their events and projects were given the green light by the Road Safety Community Grants Committee. “The grants will be used to help spread the message about […]

Hon Michael Mischin LLB (Hons) BJuris (Hons) MLC — Another judge appointed to WA District Court

Hon Michael Mischin LLB (Hons) BJuris (Hons) MLC — Another judge appointed to WA District Court

High profile criminal barrister Laurence Levy SC has been appointed a judge of the District Court of Western Australia. Attorney General Michael Mischin said the appointment would fill the vacancy left by the promotion of Justice Jeremy Curthoys to the Supreme Court. Mr Mischin said Mr Levy had specialised in the area of criminal law […]

Hon Tony Simpson MLA — New disability parking laws for WA

Fines for illegally parking in disabled bays will more than double from tomorrow under new local government regulations. Local Government Minister Tony Simpson said court-imposed penalties would increase from $1,000 to $2,000. On-the-spot fines have increased from $120-$140 to $300. “Motorists need to be aware that parking in a bay reserved for a disabled permit […]

Hon Colin Barnett MEc MLA,Hon Michael Mischin LLB (Hons) BJuris (Hons) MLC — Reforms to overhaul private property rights

Reforms to improve and clarify private property rights will be introduced into State Parliament today to ensure landowners are properly compensated when public works are carried out on their property by the State Government. Premier Colin Barnett said the Land Acquisition Legislation Amendment (Compensation) Bill 2014 would be introduced into Parliament today, delivering on an […]

Hon John Day BSc BDSc MLA — WA movie shoot for Jasper Jones story

Culture and the Arts Minister John Day today announced the movie Jasper Jones will be filmed in Western Australia.   “Jasper Jones is an adaptation of the best-selling, award-winning Western Australian novel by Craig Silvey,” Mr Day said.   “This coming-of-age story, set in 1965 about teenagers Charlie Bucktin and the town outcast Jasper Jones, […]

Hon Ken Baston MLC — Good fishing for World Fisheries Day 2014

The State Government has revealed that 97 per cent of the State’s fish stocks that support commercial and recreational fisheries are sustainable, meaning continued viability for the sector and great fishing for weekend boaties. Speaking on World Fisheries Day, Fisheries Minister Ken Baston said WA’s most sought-after commercial fish were rock lobster, prawns and abalone, […]

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