Hon Liza Harvey MLA — Government launches road toll response

Hon Liza Harvey MLA — Government launches road toll response

The State Government has launched a three prong response to the terrible road toll on Western Australian roads in 2014. Road Safety Minister Liza Harvey said the response would target three major components of the road toll: speed; motorcycle fatalities; and country road crashes. “Speed cameras have a long proven ability to slow motorists down […]

Hon Colin Barnett MEc MLA,Hon Mike Nahan BEc MS PhD MLA — Hockey move on GST welcomed

Hon Colin Barnett MEc MLA,Hon Mike Nahan BEc MS PhD MLA — Hockey move on GST welcomed

Premier Colin Barnett and Treasurer Mike Nahan have praised Federal Treasurer Joe Hockey’s decision to request the Commonwealth Grants Commission take account of volatility in mining revenues when assessing GST distribution. In recent years iron ore royalties have grown from 4 per cent of State revenues to 20 per cent in the 2014-15 State Budget. […]

Hon Bill Marmion BE MBA MLA — Billion-dollar refund supports WA mining jobs

Hon Bill Marmion BE MBA MLA — Billion-dollar refund supports WA mining jobs

Mines and Petroleum Minister Bill Marmion today marked the billionth dollar returned to the mining industry, six months after the launch of Western Australia’s world-first Mining Rehabilitation Fund. “The fund is a big winner for jobs and the industry during this challenging time for our resources sector,” Mr Marmion said. “This money was previously tied […]

Hon Helen Morton MLC — Community choir embodies Christmas spirit

Hon Helen Morton MLC — Community choir embodies Christmas spirit

The State Government has announced funding for a Fremantle-based choir made up of members who have experienced homelessness, hardship and mental health issues. Attending the choir’s rehearsal ahead of their Christmas Eve performance at Bathers Beach, Mental Health and Disability Services Minister Helen Morton said members had found that singing in the Starlight Hotel Choir […]

Hon Colin Barnett MEc MLA,Hon Mike Nahan BEc MS PhD MLA — $5 billion revenue hit results in deficit

Hon Colin Barnett MEc MLA,Hon Mike Nahan BEc MS PhD MLA — $5 billion revenue hit results in deficit

Premier Colin Barnett and Treasurer Mike Nahan today released the 2014-15 Mid-year Review which includes an unprecedented $5 billion write-down in general government revenue projections since the 2014-15 Budget, including a downward revision of $1.6 billion in the current financial year. Mr Barnett said strong growth in exports saw the Western Australian economy expand by […]

Hon Liza Harvey MLA — New era in fight against child exploitation

Hon Liza Harvey MLA — New era in fight against child exploitation

WA Police will now work alongside the Australian Federal Police (AFP) to target online child exploitation as part of the new Joint Anti Child Exploitation Team (JACET). Police Minister Liza Harvey said officers from the WA Police Sex Crime Division would share intelligence and literally work alongside the AFP’s Child Protection Operations in Perth. “By […]

Hon Colin Barnett MEc MLA,Hon Bill Marmion BE MBA MLA — Iron ore relief package backs jobs and industry

Hon Colin Barnett MEc MLA,Hon Bill Marmion BE MBA MLA — Iron ore relief package backs jobs and industry

The State Government will make temporary assistance available to junior iron ore miners on a case by case basis as they restructure operations in challenging market conditions. Premier and State Development Minister Colin Barnett and Mines and Petroleum Minister Bill Marmion said the assistance would be in the form of a 50 per cent rebate […]

Hon Albert Jacob BEnvDes M.Arch JP MLA — Awards open to recognise cultural champions

Hon Albert Jacob BEnvDes M.Arch JP MLA — Awards open to recognise cultural champions

Nominations are now open for the prestigious Western Australian Heritage Awards, Heritage Minister Albert Jacob announced today. The Heritage Council’s awards recognise the outstanding contribution of owners, volunteers, professionals and organisations who work hard to promote and conserve our cultural heritage. Mr Jacob said the awards, now in their 23rd year, showcased the excellent work […]

Hon Colin Barnett MEc MLA,Hon Tony Simpson MLA — City of Perth Act to create a great capital for WA

Hon Colin Barnett MEc MLA,Hon Tony Simpson MLA — City of Perth Act to create a great capital for WA

The State Government will draft a City of Perth Act which will establish Perth as the city’s pre-eminent council, with legislation due for introduction into State Parliament early next year. Premier Colin Barnett said consultation with relevant parties would begin in the new year, resulting in an Act to recognise Perth as the State’s capital […]

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