2015 Perth Festival kicks off with a Giant Bang

2015 Perth Festival kicks off with a Giant Bang

Premier Colin Barnett has launched the 2015 Perth International Arts Festival at a special celebration at Chevron Festival Gardens this evening. It is the oldest international multi-arts festival in the southern hemisphere, with more than 800,000 people expected to attend this year. Mr Barnett said the festival would present a rich offering of quality arts […]

Hon Colin Barnett MEc MLA,Hon Kim Hames MB BS JP MLA — Emergency departments scrubbing up for change

Hon Colin Barnett MEc MLA,Hon Kim Hames MB BS JP MLA — Emergency departments scrubbing up for change

The third and largest phase of Fiona Stanley Hospital kick-starts tomorrow when the doors to the emergency department open at 7am, at the same time as the Fremantle Hospital emergency department closes, in a highly involved and complex transition. Premier Colin Barnett visited the State’s newest tertiary facility today as hospital staff put final preparations […]

Hon Albert Jacob BEnvDes M.Arch JP MLA — Green light for aerial tours to Breaksea Island

Breaksea Island Nature Reserve near Albany, which was the last link to Australia for the first Gallipoli-bound soldiers in 1914, will soon become more accessible with public helicopter tours starting as early as next month. Environment Minister Albert Jacob said Skyhook Helicopters has been licensed by the Department of Parks and Wildlife to meet increased […]

Hon Ken Baston MLC — Joint Media Statement – Farm Finance debt restructuring loans now available in WA

Western Australian farmers can now apply for loans for debt restructuring as well as productivity enhancement activities under the Farm Finance concessional loans scheme. Minister for Agriculture, Barnaby Joyce, said expanding the Farm Finance concessional loans to include debt restructuring introduced the sort of flexibility that farmers had been calling for and will provide another […]

Hon Liza Harvey MLA — Many job options for year 12 graduates

Hon Liza Harvey MLA — Many job options for year 12 graduates

The State Government is urging recent Year 12 graduates to consider the hundreds of courses available through the State’s training providers. Training and Workforce Development Minister Liza Harvey said right now many Year 12 graduates were considering their future and vocational training provided an attractive alternative to university. “Graduates now have their exam results and […]

Hon Helen Morton MLC — At-risk groups focus for suicide prevention

Hon Helen Morton MLC — At-risk groups focus for suicide prevention

Aboriginal cultural camps, teen mental health first aid, Men’s Shed events and multicultural support groups are among the activities and training funded by the latest round of the One Life Suicide Prevention Small Grants totalling $282,110. Announcing the grants, Mental Health Minister Helen Morton said $103,102 would be allocated to Aboriginal organisations to run cultural […]

Hon Ken Baston MLC,Hon Albert Jacob BEnvDes M.Arch JP MLA — Prawn Watch app boon for science

Hon Ken Baston MLC,Hon Albert Jacob BEnvDes M.Arch JP MLA — Prawn Watch app boon for science

Perth’s prawners can contribute to science with the click of a button thanks to a new smartphone app. Fisheries Minister Ken Baston said Prawn Watch was an exciting citizen science project linked to the Western School Prawn restocking program which was focused on restocking the Swan and Canning rivers with prawns. “The project has already […]

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