Hodgett/Macfarlane – Commonwealth and Victoria welcome $10 million Alcoa worker support

· Commonwealth Government and Victorian Coalition Government welcome Alcoa’s announcement of $10 million support for affected workers · $5 million contribution to Geelong Region Innovation and Investment Fund · Alcoa also to provide $4 million for ongoing skills and training for Alcoa employees and $1 million to the Yennora community The Commonwealth Government and Victorian […]


A Brighton-Le-Sands man has been ordered to pay $8,840 fines and costs for renovating an Arncliffe kitchen without the appropriate licence. Joe Rizk was convicted of unlicensed building work, demanding and receiving excess payment before work commenced and falsely stating he was the holder of a contractors licence in Parramatta Local Court on 2 May […]


NSW continues to have the second lowest unemployment rate in the nation, adding 7,800 jobs in April. Treasurer Andrew Constance said the ABS Labour Force figures show the state unemployment rate increased slightly from a revised 5.2 per cent to 5.4 per cent, but remains well below the national average of 5.8 per cent. “National […]

Drum – Victorians break Active April record

· Over 90,000 Victorians got more active in April · Record number of participants in Premier’s Active Challenge/Active April · Victorian Coalition Government building an Active Victoria Minister for Sport and Recreation Damian Drum today congratulated Victorians on their record participation in Premier’s Active April, with more than 90,000 answering the call to get active […]

O’Brien – Extra 10,000 full time jobs created in Victoria

· Victorian and national unemployment rates steady · Full-time jobs in Victoria increase 10,100 in April 2014 · The Coalition Government is delivering job-creating infrastructure projects to build a better Victoria Victoria’s economy created an extra 10,100 full time jobs in the month to April, Treasurer Michael O’Brien noted today. The latest Australian Bureau of […]

The Efficient Delivery of Quality Services – State Budget 2014-15: Funding to continue Closing the Gap work

The State Government has announced funding of $30.3million to continue and build on the work already undertaken to close the gap in life expectancy for Aboriginal people.  Health Minister Kim Hames has also directed that $2million from the general health budget be allocated to the Footprints to Better Health Strategy (FBH), bringing the total to […]

WA Industry and Export Awards nominations open

Western Australian-based businesses are being encouraged to enter the 2014 Industry and Export Awards.  Commerce Minister Michael Mischin said the awards offered local businesses a high level of exposure and valuable opportunities for growth in national and overseas markets. Mr Mischin said winners of the export categories would automatically become finalists in the 2014 national […]


NSW Premier Mike Baird today announced the appointment of Stuart Ayres as Minister for Police and Emergency Services and the promotion of Matthew Mason-Cox to the NSW Cabinet team. “Stuart Ayres has shown a huge amount of passion and dedication as Fair Trading Minister, Minister Assisting the Premier on Western Sydney, and Member for Penrith,” […]

ACTION: Guy – Coalition Government continues strong funding support for Victoria’s multicultural communities

• $24.4 million to support multicultural affairs and citizenship • Leadership programs for new and emerging communities extended & enhanced • Coalition Government maintaining strong funding investment to enhance harmonious cultural diversity The Victorian Coalition Government has maintained its strong investment in multicultural affairs and citizenship with an allocation of $24.4 million in the 2014-15 […]

Treatment helping people quit cannabis

Treatment helping people quit cannabis

More West Australians are considering changing or quitting their drug use as a result of attending a cannabis intervention session, according to new figures. Since 2011, 2,633 cannabis users have attended intervention sessions, with 72 per cent of attendees considering changing their smoking habits, or quitting, as a result. The figures were revealed by Mental […]