New WA apple headed for market

A new firm and juicy WA-developed apple is one step closer to shop shelves after 20 years of breeding and testing by the Department of Agriculture and Food Western Australia (DAFWA). Dubbed ‘The Black Apple’ during development, it has a distinct sweetness and a moderate to high crisp and crunch factor, and was first previewed […]

Penalty changes target unsafe road behaviour

The State Government has approved a major overhaul of penalties within the Western Australian Road Traffic Code 2000. A suite of penalty changes is set to come into force later this year, including amendments to fines and certain demerit point penalties for a range of traffic offences. Road Safety Minister Liza Harvey said the changes […]

Dominic Perrottet med rel: New guidelines to benefit small business

Small-to-medium enterprises (SMEs) will soon have better opportunities to participate in tenders for work with the NSW Government, Minister for Finance and Services, Dominic Perrottet has announced. “As of July 1, it is now easier for SMEs to bid for business with the State government,” Mr Perrottet said. “As part of the changes to the […]

Hon Helen Morton MLC — New alcohol and health campaign

A new State-wide health campaign starting today looks at the impact alcohol can have on the body’s organs. Mental Health Minister Helen Morton pledged her continued support for these important public health campaigns in the face of increasing alcohol related harm. “With almost one in four West Australians drinking at levels that place them at […]

Kidney research to benefit from State funding

A WA Health study that will potentially benefit thousands of Western Australian patients with acute kidney injury (AKI) is one of seven research projects that will benefit from $70,000 of State Government research infrastructure funding. Announcing the 2014 round of New Independent Researcher Infrastructure Support (NIRIS) awards, Health Minister Kim Hames said the study by […]

Hon Helen Morton MLC — WA welcomes action plan on family violence

Child Protection Minister Helen Morton has welcomed the launch of the Second Action Plan (2013-2016) of the National Plan to Reduce Violence against Women and their Children (2010-2022) by the Council of Australian Governments (COAG). Launched by Prime Minister Tony Abbott in Sydney yesterday, it is the second of four action plans that will drive […]

Hon Helen Morton MLC — Synthetic drugs illegal in WA

Mental Health Minister Helen Morton today reinforced the message that synthetic cannabinoids are illegal in Western Australia. Speaking at the Western Australian Alcohol and other Drugs Symposium, the Minister said that provisions in the WA Poisons Act meant that it was against the law to supply, sell, manufacture or possess these substances in the State. […]

Domestic violence review released

The creation of new family violence protection orders for domestic violence victims is one of 73 recommendations made by the Law Reform Commission (LRC) in a comprehensive report tabled in State Parliament today. The LRC consulted with 169 individual and agency stakeholders concerned with family and domestic violence and presented its findings and recommendations to […]

Grants support projects for women’s interests

Twenty-one organisations will share in more than $93,000 in the latest round of the State Government Grants for Women program. Women’s Interests Minister Liza Harvey said the funding would go to organisations across Western Australia, providing a variety of different projects and programs. Up to $5,000 is available to community sector groups and local governments […]

Hon John Day BSc BDSc MLA — Signal to increase mobile phone coverage

Planning Minister John Day has announced a review of the State’s decade-old telecommunications infrastructure policy and is asking all West Australians to contribute. State Planning Policy 5.2 – Telecommunications Infrastructure provides guidance to local governments on the location, design and installation of mobile towers across the State. Mr Day said the review would examine whether […]

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