Hon Colin Barnett MEc MLA,Hon Helen Morton MLC — Works start on safe haven for city’s homeless

Work has commenced on a new homeless shelter in Highgate which will provide overnight accommodation for up to 10 chronically homeless men and couples. Premier Colin Barnett and Child Protection Minister Helen Morton launched the pre-construction works at an official soil-turning ceremony this morning. Mr Barnett said the initiative was a collaborative partnership between the […]

Hon Albert Jacob BEnvDes M.Arch JP MLA,Hon Joe Francis MLA — WA firefighters deployed to Canadian fires

Five of the State’s leading fire managers will travel to Canada’s British Columbia as part of an 81-strong Australian-New Zealand contingent to help battle widespread forest fires. Announcing the deployment today, Environment Minister Albert Jacob and Emergency Services Minister Joe Francis said the five Western Australian fire managers would leave on Sunday to help fight […]

WA to host international ecotourism conference

Marine tourism in protected areas will be the focus of a major international ecotourism conference to be held next year at Rottnest Island. Announcing Western Australia as host of the 2015 Global Eco Asia-Pacific Tourism Conference, Tourism Minister Liza Harvey and Environment Minister Albert Jacob said it was a great coup for WA to host […]

Hon Ken Baston MLC — Agreement signals strong future for meat to China

Agriculture and Food Minister Ken Baston today witnessed the signing of a historic agreement between a Western Australian meat processor and a Chinese company which will deliver long-term benefits to the State’s sheep and cattle industries. China’s largest red meat importer Grand Farm and South-West processor V&V Walsh today signed a Cooperation Agreement at the […]

WA football celebrates multiculturalism

In the midst of the AFL’s Multicultural Round, the West Australian Football Commission (WAFC) will today host a Cultural Diversity Breakfast at Patersons Stadium. Citizenship and Multicultural Interests Minister Mike Nahan said that as the State’s population and cultural diversity grows, young migrants were increasing their participation in all aspects of football and revitalising the […]

Giants to tell the Anzac story in Perth

The Giants – an 11-metre tall Deep Sea Diver and a six-metre tall Little Girl – will walk the streets of Perth over three days next February to commemorate the Anzac Centenary. As part of the Perth International Arts Festival, French street theatre company, Royal de Luxe, will use The Giants to tell the true […]

Students’ health and safety number 1 priority

Education Minister Peter Collier has assured parents that the State Government was taking every precaution with children’s health in managing asbestos in schools. Mr Collier said the Western Australian Advisory Committee on Hazardous Substances had advised that exposure to asbestos cement material in WA public schools represented very little risk to health. “Environmental health experts […]

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