Hon Albert Jacob BEnvDes M.Arch JP MLA — International win for two WA heritage projects

Two Western Australian heritage projects have been recognised in this year’s UNESCO Asia-Pacific Awards for Cultural Heritage Conservation. Heritage Minister Albert Jacob said Rottnest Island World War ll Coastal Defences and Cape Inscription Lighthouse Keepers’ Quarters in Shark Bay received Honourable Mentions in the prestigious international awards. “This is the third consecutive year that WA […]

Hon Albert Jacob BEnvDes M.Arch JP MLA — Community grants to help increase recycling

Nine community projects that aim to reduce waste and increase recycling will share in $72,315 in State Government grants. Announcing the successful grant recipients today, Environment Minister Albert Jacob said the community projects would be awarded between $1,000 and $19,907 to fund recycling, reuse and community education initiatives. “The recipients of this Community Grants Scheme […]

Hon Dean Nalder BBus GradDip(AppFin&Inv) MLA — Strategic leadership for southern ports’ future

Transport Minister Dean Nalder today announced the appointment of an independent chair of the board for the soon-to-be established Southern Ports Authority. Mr Nalder has appointed Roger Hussey as inaugural chair of the new board, and Neema Premji, who had been serving interim chair-elect, as deputy chair. The Minister said the decision was based both […]

Hon Michael Mischin LLB (Hons) BJuris (Hons) MLC,Hon Terry Redman MLA — State-wide project to boost mobile reception

The State Government has boosted mobile phone and internet coverage across regional Western Australia by installing an extra 113 communications towers, improving reception by 95,000 Kilometres. At the installation of one of the final towers at Manjimup West today, Commerce Minister Michael Mischin said the $39.2million State Government Royalties for Regions-funded Regional Mobile Communications Project […]

The Minister for Health has announced an independent review of after-hours primary health care services in Australia.

The Minister for Health Peter Dutton today announced an independent review of after-hours primary health care services in Australia. It will be carried out by respected GP, educator and researcher Professor Claire Jackson. The review was recommended by former Chief Medical Officer Professor John Horvath in his report on Medicare Locals and the subsequent decision […]

Hon Albert Jacob BEnvDes M.Arch JP MLA — WA turtles need partners

The importance of community and industry involvement in marine turtle conservation is being highlighted at a national symposium being held in Perth today and tomorrow. Environment Minister Albert Jacob, who will address the symposium tomorrow, said Western Australia’s 13,500 kilometre coastline was well known for its rich and abundant marine life, and conservation and effective […]

Hon Mike Nahan BEc MS PhD MLA — Budget challenges ahead for Western Australia

The decision by international credit ratings agency Moody’s today to downgrade Western Australia’s credit rating from Aaa (negative outlook) to Aa1 (stable outlook) follows a similar decision by Standard & Poor’s (S&P) in September last year. “This decision is disappointing, but as we have said many times recently, the Government is determined to regain the […]

Hon Liza Harvey MLA — New education campaign on penalty changes

New television commercials will hit screens tonight informing West Australians about upcoming penalty changes and the dangers of using mobile phones while driving. Road Safety Minister Liza Harvey said the purpose of the State-wide awareness campaign was to educate the community about legislation changes and modified penalties that come into effect from the Queen’s Birthday […]

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