Hon Terry Waldron MLA,Hon Terry Redman MLA — Grants offer boost to racing clubs

Eight race clubs across Western Australia will share in $791,190 to help complete a range of important infrastructure works. Racing and Gaming Minister Terry Waldron said the funds had been allocated to the clubs through the latest round of the Racecourse Infrastructure Grants Program (RIGP), including matching funding provided through the State Government’s Royalties for […]

Hon Albert Jacob BEnvDes M.Arch JP MLA — Bill introduced to validate EPA decisions

The State Government will today introduce legislation to validate environmental approvals, following a review of the independent Environmental Protection Authority’s conflict of interest procedures. Environment Minister Albert Jacob said the legislation would provide certainty for projects that related to EPA decisions between 2002-12 that had been identified as being at potential risk of being found […]

Hon Michael Mischin LLB (Hons) BJuris (Hons) MLC — Royal showbags tested for child safety

Product safety officers have thoroughly checked 310 showbags to ensure they meet safety standards ahead of the annual IGA Perth Royal Show, which starts on September 27. Commerce Minister Michael Mischin said inspectors from Consumer Protection and the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission had examined the contents of the showbags for choking or strangulation hazards, […]

Hon Helen Morton MLC — Suicide prevention programs take centre court

Suicide prevention will take centre court on World Suicide Prevention Day today, with Mental Health Minister Helen Morton making two major announcements aimed at improving mental health and reducing suicide. Building on State Government suicide prevention initiatives already under way, Mrs Morton said the Mental Health Commission would invest $340,000 over the coming year in […]

Hon Bill Marmion BE MBA MLA — Mid-West gas find a boost for jobs and clean energy

A major Mid-West gas discovery has highlighted the importance of the Liberal National Government’s support for onshore gas development. Mines and Petroleum Minister Bill Marmion said AWE Limited’s Senecio-3 find was a potential game-changer and very exciting for the local gas industry, promising to revitalise what had been a declining gas field. “Make no mistake, […]

Hon Albert Jacob BEnvDes M.Arch JP MLA — Lotterywest grants to preserve WA’s heritage

A variety of places and objects that have shaped Western Australian culture, from space equipment to war memorials, will benefit from more than $1.6million in grants to support heritage conservation. Announcing the Lotterywest grants today, Heritage Minister Albert Jacob said the funding would go towards conserving places and objects with significant heritage value for future […]

Hon Bill Marmion BE MBA MLA — WA children’s book will have worldwide reach

A book created by Western Australian primary school students will help children around the world better understand greenhouse gases and the process of carbon capture and storage. Mines and Petroleum Minister Bill Marmion today congratulated the young authors at St Michael’s Catholic Primary School in the south-west town of Brunswick Junction, as he launched ‘A […]

Hon Colin Barnett MEc MLA,Hon Bill Marmion BE MBA MLA — Western Australia forges mining ties with Africa

Premier and State Development Minister Colin Barnett and Mines and Petroleum Minister Bill Marmion will this week welcome members of the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) trading bloc to Western Australia. The visit, timed to coincide with the Africa Down Under mining conference, will cement ties established in January this year when […]

Hon Colin Barnett MEc MLA — Finalists announced for Public Sector Awards

Judging of entries in the prestigious Premier’s Awards for excellence in Public Sector management has been completed, and the finalists have been announced. Premier Colin Barnett said the wide range of projects submitted by nominees and finalists demonstrated the breadth of work being undertaken in the Western Australian public sector. “Finalists were chosen from the […]

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