Indian Film Festival of Melbourne amid stars, awards and fanfare galore

Indian Film Festival of Melbourne amid stars,  awards and fanfare galore

The biggest film festival of the southern hemisphere commemorating Indian films and films from across the globe sprinkled over the Australian soil once again with the Indian Film Festival of Melbourne (IFFM). The annual film festival was marked from 14th-27th August, 2015, and colored Australia with joy and jubilation. The theme for this year’s IFFM […]

Bollywood Events Adelaide Team, Community Leaders and Politicians stand in support of Nepal Earthquake victims

Bollywood Events Adelaide Team, Community Leaders and Politicians stand in support of Nepal Earthquake victims

A fundraising dinner was organised in support of Nepal Earthquake victims on 20th June, 2015 in Adelaide by Umesh Nagasandra and his Bollywood Events Adelaide Team. The event was attended by community leaders and politicians. Tony Zappia (Federal Labor MP for Makin), Dana Wortley (State Labor MP for Torrens) and Russel Wortley (President of the […]

Petition for long stay visa for parents

Australia is known for its multicultural diversity. The India-Australia relationship makes it richer and prosperous on economic, cultural and social ground. Australia has welcomed the Indian Diaspora openly. As a result, Australia has become a home to thousands of Indians spread across the continent. Many migrated to the welcoming land and settled here, never to […]



Today the South Australian Government has announced $90 million towards the redevelopment of the Adelaide Festival Centre.  This is the most significant capital infrastructure works undertaken at the Centre since it was opened in 1973.   The redevelopment will address the long-standing issues with the exterior of the building and create new features, including entries, […]

‘Indelible’- Asia-Pacific Premiere of India’s first official film on Down’s syndrome

‘Indelible’- Asia-Pacific Premiere of India’s first official film on Down’s syndrome

 ‘Indelible’ is an award-winning, feature length documentary, which follows the inspiring stories of seven people with Down’s syndrome living in India is slated to have its Asia-Pacific premiere at DocWeek 2014 in Adelaide, Australia as part of the Asia-Pacific New Documentary Program. It is the only film from India at this year’s festival. India’s first […]