US FDA bans more products from Ranbaxy

US FDA bans more products from Ranbaxy

In another setback to Ranbaxy, the US drug regulator has prohibited the Indian drugmaker from producing and distributing drugs for the US market from its Toansa facility in Punjab. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Thursday notified Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd that its facility in Toansa had been added to the consent decree of permanent […]

Diabetes runs at home: Indian-origin researcher

Diabetes runs at home: Indian-origin researcher

You are at a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes if your spouse has it. According to a new research led by an Indian-origin scientist at the McGill University Health Centre (MUHC) in Montreal, Canada, living together under one roof could also imply sharing diabetes. “We found a 26 percent increase in the risk […]

Human touch key to rehabilitate patients better

Human touch key to rehabilitate patients better

It does take two to tango when it comes to performing a physical task better. According to a new study, human touch is the key and people improve their performance more when they practise with a partner rather than on their own. Scientists from Imperial College London and two Japanese institutions explored whether physical interaction […]

Get married to have better bones!

Get married to have better bones!

Are you 25 or older? Getting married won’t be a bad idea for the health of your bones, especially spinal ones. Researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), found evidence that men who married when they were younger than 25 had lower bone strength than men who married for the first time at […]

Tired in office? Turn off smartphone at night

Tired in office? Turn off smartphone at night

Switching off your smartphone at night means better productivity at work the next day. “Smartphones are almost perfectly designed to disrupt sleep,” said Russell Johnson, assistant professor of management at Michigan State University in the US. “Because they keep us mentally engaged late into the evening, they make it hard to detach from work so […]

You can even sniff fat in food!

You can even sniff fat in food!

Believe it! Humans can smell whether the food on the dining table or in a restaurant is low or high on fat. New research reveals humans can use the sense of smell to detect dietary fat in food. However, it remains unclear which sensory systems contribute to this ability. “That we have the ability to […]

Robotic kidney transplants are here

Robotic kidney transplants are here

In a major breakthrough, surgeons at India-based Medanta Hospital and Michigan-based Henry Ford Hospital have successfully transplanted kidneys into 50 recipients using an innovative robot-assisted procedure. In this surgery, called ‘Icy’ technique, the organ is cooled with sterile ice during the operation. The research advances minimally invasive robotic surgery as a safe alternative to traditional […]

Take heart! Genes make your toddler violent

Take heart! Genes make your toddler violent

Can’t figure out why your toddler is throwing toys at you or hitting his/her sibling? Blame it on genes. The development of physical aggression in toddlers is strongly associated with genetic factors and to a lesser degree with the environment, says a study. “The gene-environment analyses revealed that early genetic factors were pervasive in accounting […]

Grandpa knows more, uses brain better than you!

Grandpa knows more, uses brain better than you!

The brains of older people do not get weak as they age. On the contrary, they simply know more. Debunking earlier theories that our brains go into a steady decline as we age, researchers have found that the human brain works slower in old age but only because it has stored more information over time. […]

Brisk walk may lower prostate cancer risk

Brisk walk may lower prostate cancer risk

Do daily walk and regular exercise have an impact on prostate cancer prognosis? Yes, say researchers. Men who engage in higher levels of physical activity have been reported to have a lower risk of prostate cancer recurrence and mortality compared with men who participate in little or no physical activity. “Research has shown that men […]