Aids, Drug Addiction Against Our Tradition: Goa Governor

Aids, Drug Addiction Against Our Tradition: Goa Governor

Panaji, Vices such as AIDS and drug addiction are against the Indian tradition and should be tackled effectively, Goa Governor Mridula Sinha said in her address on the eve of the state’s Liberation Day. “On the social front, we have to keep Goa away from evils such as crime, drug addiction and AIDS. These vices […]

Ten Rules for Food Intake

Ten Rules for Food Intake

Everyone should observe the following rules of food intake. Ayurved has explained ten rules for food intake and it is described in Charak Samhita. Intake of food should be warm – Warm food is delicious after intake and it helps digestive fire to digest the food properly. Intake of food should be unctuous – Slightly […]

Australian start-up turns superfood into superbug fighter

Australian start-up turns superfood into superbug fighter

The company hopes the range of topical lotions and washes, called Bio3 Guardian, will provide their main revenue stream and has plans to take the innovation to the global healthcare market.  According to independent tests, the products are fast-acting and effective at killing golden staph (Staphylococcus aureus), a prevalent superbug that led to 1621 hospital-acquired […]

Know what effortlessly slim people eat

Know what effortlessly slim people eat

New York People who are effortlessly slim eat fruit, dairy, cereal and granola for breakfast, revealed a new study. Researchers from the Cornell University wanted to find out what people who are naturally thin, and have never struggled with weight problems eat. The study found that more than a third ate salad for lunch every […]

Release of Final Report of Review of Medicines and Medical Devices Regulation

Release of Final Report of Review of Medicines and Medical Devices Regulation

The second, and final, report from the Independent Review of Medicines and Medical Devices Regulation has been released. It highlights the importance of cutting red tape for the rapidly expanding complementary medicines sector, while improving access to information for consumers and health professionals to inform their health and health expenditure decisions.  This is important to […]

Exercise Can Protect Brain Against Ageing

Exercise Can Protect Brain Against Ageing

New York, Daily exercise can protect the brain against decline as we age, finds researchers after conducting an animal study.  In lab tests with mice, researchers from Johns Hopkins University found that exercise helped boost levels of an enzyme called SIRT3 which may protect against stressors that contribute to brain cell energy loss. In tests […]

Three-Five Cups of Coffee Daily Lowers Early Death Risk

Three-Five Cups of Coffee Daily Lowers Early Death Risk

New York, Three to five cups of coffee a day may lower the risk of dying prematurely from some illnesses than those who do not drink or drink less coffee, new research suggests.  The researchers from Harvard University’s T.H. Chan School of Public Health found that drinkers of both caffeinated and decaffeinated coffee saw benefits, […]

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